Imo,AO should have separate pve and pvp servers

great reply, but just to add some information, love potions suck, if they hunter has even a pathetic 3 minute drinkable love potion made from one clam and one pink apple, it’s enough to block even the most high quality love potions, at least for a while, its really dumb. there really isnt a surefire way to avoid pvp

i think elysium should be open on some days, like the weekends or something, so pvpheads can get their fill, and pve players could even practice pvp without the risk of losing renown or coins

separate servers for pve/pvp is the nuclear option. There are better ideas that don’t split the community in half


Running away is do damn easy nowadays yk

I would like to pose the following question to PVP players: what reason do you have to oppose this? After all, you don’t have to deal with “runners” or “cowards” or anything of the like any more. You’ll be among your own kind—players skilled at the game that you can fight for a good, cleaner and more fair battle. What’s wrong with that?

The issue is, I suppose, that not all perform PVP for this reason. A small yet noticeable of the fandom doesn’t care about having a “fair fight” or any kind of somewhat reasonable battle. What they want is power over other players.

I’ve been jumped, had my ship destroyed for no reason, been hunted multiple times in a row, been teamed on (they still couldn’t kill me, lol). And after all that, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are exactly two groups of PVP players: the ones who have a sense of decency and look for the genuine thrill of battle, and the ones who just like to enrage others.

The former group only gains from this. The later only loses from it, and thus, in theory, the later group would oppose it more than the former. Now, one could argue on whether this would be worth Vetex’s time. As I am not a Roblox developer, I’m not sure how much work separating the two into “gamemodes” would actually entail.

Edited to sound less like an enraged Twitter user, lol.


I agree that separate pve and pvp servers is too much to ask for.

but I also want to see a logical PvPer rebuttal to this if one exists.

Being honest
Pvp and pve have been really separate for a long time

i’m not

Yeah, sorry. I was getting a bit too much into this when I was writing it. Probably shouldn’t have just lumped half the playerbase together as “PVP players”.

Edited the earlier comment to be a bit clearer and less aggressive.

lol it’s fine i totally get it
just wanted to get my opinion out there tho, i would really enjoy if a pvp focused server or gamemode was added
i am a pvp head

i think it’d be cool if there was a ranked 1v1 gamemode like deepwoken’s chime because it’d give the pvpers somewhere to go for guaranteed fights and it’d make the titles mean more. the amount of boosting and teaming in leaderboard is gross to me.

dude i love the idea of a ranked gamemode with matchmaking and renown being the elo
i get why it isn’t added, and i get that it doesn’t fit the game, but at the same time i wouldn’t mind if it existed

I dont like loosing 20k renown to meta following kid who got banned on blox fruits for begin too toxic but still kinda funny to experience

a much smaller pool of people to fight that essentially ends up being a private server. all you’re going to get are entire clans camping servers, far from fun.

nor is there any actual reason to try and progress in said server - you are there because shallow reasoning assumes “you want nothing but to fight”; the majority of PvPers are ready to take fights and willing to do contracts; not mindlessly killing everything they see. users need to realize getting curbstomped is the loud minority talking

nor is it good game design at all. the feature will be extremely prone to abuse (small enough PvP servers, block enough people to effectively make your own). and then, suggestions will add another 4 arbitrary rules to “fix” it. it just doesn’t work, there’s a reason why games do not do it

Bad example. Even without this possibility, something like that already exist - Witch-hunting. You always can kill someone, block them, then leave and start recording a video about them following you through servers.

No sane guy will risk getting into trouble because someone hunted him and server hopped.

Its also that simple, that the reason for grinding and getting better in the game is competition between players, which is also the foundation of AO’s replayability.

So seperating pve and pvp will lead to turbulent consequences. (Don’t make me explain to you that. Just accept the fact, that pve players like to grind, while pvp players like to use whatever grinded items they find to redeem their lust for power)

Okay, I’ll admit I don’t know how clans function in practice, but wouldn’t this be to their benefit? After all, for a clan to gain renown, there has to be another clan in the server. There’d be multiple clans in practically every PVP server. And, as these clans would be of players intentionally trying to fight, you wouldn’t have things like Leaderboard clan vs Bank Account clans quite as often.

… okay, yeah, you’re right on that we’ll take forever trying to “balance” this idea. But that’s really just most ideas for the forum. It cannot just be the base game with a server toggle, so if this were to become a thing, it would need quite a few other changes.

Also, to say that it hasn’t been done and that it shouldn’t be tried are two different things. Personally, I think it’s at least worth discussing and theorycrafting on.

pvp feels useless if you can opt out of it

The deepwoken disease infects vetex
he then only works on arena focused updates while working on story updates that drop every year LOL

with the aformentioned abuse tactic

you can easily hop on different slots to fulfill that requirement and get infamy for free. just a thought

this is a huge question of could and should suggestors miss; naturally because they’re not really game designers. there is no reason to effectively make 2 games, one of which has almost no real incentive to be played over the other than a pacifist’s idea of PvP.

what is the point of a copy of the game, but PvP on? do you think people will progress in there? do any relevant PvE content there? no? you just want it to look like a constant mosh pit at Ravenna? suggest an instanced arena. no reason to forsake 95% of the game.

these ideas tend to be massively tunnel visioned and forget AO has much more content outside PvP. it’s like isolating servers with and without treasure charts. why would you go to one without them?