Imo,AO should have separate pve and pvp servers

wow how is this thread not closed yet.

hey man did i ever tell you how much I enjoy having a conversation with you?

Sukuna mindset, farm everyone until you are good and this isn’t an issue anymore.

It doesn’t show the amount directly, you have to click their poster and count their feats. If the leaderboards were feat based would the board sort the posters by their feats? Like would the people with more feats be at the top of the board?

Would it apply to clan members?

Aside from treasure charts yeah I would agree that it’s just annoying, but what’s so bad about not being able to be an asshole?

That becomes a little more difficult because it depends on how much PvE stuff will be introduced into clans

it just doesn’t require making pvp a toggle as the solution

Sure, it doesn’t require making PVP a toggle, but global always-on PVP isn’t required in the game either. It’s just an option to an undeniable problem. Vetex himself said that if one was implemented most people would choose to have it disabled - AKA most people don’t like global PVP

not necessarily. It could be kind of like a cascade. The weakest 10% of players might turn off pvp because they always lose, which would cause the next weakest 10% of players to become the weakest, so they turn off pvp too, and then so on. People who like global pvp now might not like global pvp if the only people to pvp were stronger than them

That’s a really weird take but I can sort of get it… are you saying that people will turn off PvP when they don’t have people weaker than them to bully?

yeah, basically. Some might keep pvp on even if they know they probably wont win because they enjoy running or something like that, but most people will turn it off

I think there should be something preventing people from abusing that if it got added. People might sit at 5k so they can hunt others while also being able to just reset their renown if anyone tries to hunt them

That sounds like a really roundabout way of being a pussy, I hope nobody does that

uh no, and who r u

People already do that just at neutral

I just want public elysium servers or something of the sort
I’m up for pvp, but I won’t enjoy it when the server the game’s being hosted on is actively disintegrating and I’m running at 14fps from a memory leak

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Just let us farm u for pks since u clearly can’t fight back
Keep inflating our pk/h stat
Thank you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fr. you can only get into elysium if ur buddy buddy with a mod. Honestly, sounds like a gamepass opportunity right there to me