Imo,AO should have separate pve and pvp servers

double tap W when facing away from the hunter :skull:

Like with my brig facing the dock, thereā€™s really no way to run away

its a lesson, always have your brig facing the ocean for this reason.

like that, if someone ever tries to go for you, you can just hop on your ship and click the sails down button (taking command of the ship to turn on the sails is too slow)

waaa then just leave

i dont even just do that cause of players. Whenever i go into dark sea and im getting messed up by an atlantean, i know i can get away because my ship is facing the ocean

does not work i am eternally cursed to play ao (i am not)

I feel like this entire problem would, for the most part, not exist if it werenā€™t for how the PvP and combat in this game was structured aswell as the stakes put on PvP encounters that are typically absent from PvE encounters.

Donā€™t get me wrong, the combat in this game is definitely an interesting change of pace and works well in the PvE content, especially boss fights, because the enemies are made specifically to work in this combat.

That does NOT extend to players.
Everything that makes the bossfights in this game enjoyable is completely absent from PvP encounters.

Yammering for yammeringā€™s sake

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imo fame/bounty should just work like aa where thereā€™s rep from 8000 to negative 8000 and bounty should build up by doing crimes

that is insanely boring

bluddy you cannot be talking about boring you have 18 headlesses :sob:

anyways it seems like a better idea than the current system, idk why it was changed. feat based leaderboards seem like a better idea than a fluctuating leaderboard like we have rn

they rlly werent that difficult to get tbh, got them all in wom
was a somewhat enjoyable process i cant lie

How would you prevent 2 people from killing eachother over and over and getting a ton of feats? Would you make people lose feats when they get hunted?

idk some guy said it and it seems better to actually have to look at the bounty board rather than glancing over whoever joins the server

Would the board show their feat amount?

it does bro :sob:
it already does

Easy fix is to make PVP toggle for neutral players (-5~5k or smth) and then non-optional if you get lower or higher

it should just be neutral if vetex were to do that(he wont)

Iā€™m against a PVP toggle either way, though.

What downsides would there be from preventing non-participants of PVP from getting killed with no benefit from the aggressor? (aka RKing)

Quick question, whatā€™s so bad about dying in AO that getting killed by another player is horrible enough that pvp should be able to be toggled

All you lose is galleons and spawning back at Ravenna unless you have sealed chests on your boat