Important, will affect developers including AO


Time to sit back and watch the flames.


Popcorn for anyone?

Sweet fucking mother of the great gobstopper in the sky, the next time I hear about companies using AI to make actual users of their platform fuck off is likely going to be the time I punch somebody. It’s always “Can AI generate this” and “Can AI generate that,” and all I want is for AI to generate me some bloody patience.

In other words, I’m disappointed, yet not surprised.



are you for lost ancient magic (12th sea)?

Oh god deviant art with AI I heard that was bad

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It also would be pretty funny and depressing if this quote becomes a reality.

Such a way with words.


Ah, so that’s what the new terms were…
I really should have checked >->

This does make me wonder: Is Vetex unable to write stories about the AO/AA universe once he becomes a novel writer because of this? Or am I misinterpreting this?


Wait yeah, does Vetex even own AO’s copyright anymore under the new TOS?

basically, he doesnt!

problem is most roblox player’s aren’t actors or writers, just children

most of roblox players likely don’t understand the changes or care to look at them if they aren’t developers, which is probably why roblox thinks they can get away with this in the first place

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Vetex should probably know, has he read this yet?
Also I tried to see what they changed but they hid it from me

So not only do they make a very bad ToS update (just bad doesnt do it justice)… THEY EVEN HIDE IT TO AVOID BACKLASH???

Suddenly, Im actually fine with the idea of Vetex quitting Roblox all of a sudden (if it’s still possible). Just go write the book now pls :sob:


So they made a “how to scare away new developers and get law suits from current ones guide”

Bravo Roblox


Not to mention they forced people to comply without showing it under the threat of locking down their accounts

I pray that hundreds of lawsuits come crashing on them

This shit reminds me of when WOTC/Hasbro tried to get rid of their open gaming license for DnD. The entire community rebelled against it and then they swiftly tried to make amends. Seems like history is gonna repeat itself. :frpensive:

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Try not to be pessimistic challenge! (Impossible because it’s warmwater

who even are you, all you do on this forum it seems is have the worst takes as a sweaty bounty hunter or try to insult me

Sweaty bounty hunter is crazy, and it only seems like I’m constantly insulting you because most of the popular topics I’ve read are just you shitting on something