Important, will affect developers including AO

idk im with him this time, roblox ( and several other stuffs tbh ) just keep going down and down recently to the point that its death isnt even an “if” anymore, its a “when”

I’m with warmwater on this one bro if you actually read the topic you’d see this shit 100% will kill developing on roblox

begging people to understand AI has absolutely no capability to replace a developer, and likely never will (although those in art-esque roles may face competition if 3D modeling generation picks up traction)

it’s a pretty lame practice to use developer code w/ no way to opt out, but very honestly I’m fine with that, it makes the AI autocomplete less shitty and usable for anything above 5 lines of code. no, it is not going to write you a codebase, quit fearmongering.

the license/legal areas seem the most troubling, specifically the addition of making filing DMCA requests a violation of ToS, and leaving their official channel (an email, lol) as the only avenue to report stolen content, and that decision being final and irreversible

the license part (from what I understand) puts the blame on you if an asset has a license that says it is non-distributable (many, like SketchFab) and unauthorized distribution happens (dexplorer’d xd). I don’t have a particularly strong opinion, it sounds very right and very wrong at the same time, especially that this likely won’t even happen anymore since the exploiting scene is in a major twist.

seems like roblox is trying to avoid legal action altogether (literally. suing them is a ToS violation. that has to violate something, right?) instead of cleaning up their act, because investors or something, probably.

overall, disappointing changes


They’re like EA—they think they’ll get richer by being bigger scumbags. Screw this, I’m playing Minecraft, working on Worldanvil and doing literally anything else. This company’s been on the moral decline for ages now.

Wonder if Roblox will hire Pinkertons to take some dude’s merch next.

Wouldn’t be completely surprised if they did.

It’s legal if you have enough defense attorneys and/or money to bribe the judge or another major figure in a case - and Roblox can pay for probably every last one in the United States.
That’s what I’ve learned, at least.

Roblox can’t really take ownership over someone’s line of code because it was not written by Roblox themselves and developers on Roblox are not technically employees of Roblox. At least according to copyright law it states that the author of the code is the owner of said code that they have written.

So as far as I’m concerned this could turn into a class action, and especially with the coding aspect not being technically theirs by law.
There is also this with GitHub doing a class action against OpenAI and Microsoft, although this is open-source and not necessarily what I think the code Vetex has written would fall under. As far as I’m concerned, the bare minimum is that Roblox should not have ownership over any code made before the change in the TOS, but I personally believe they should not have any ownership over things they didn’t make as a company at all. The only thing they should have as a company over developers is moderation in that they try to keep things clean for the sake of their predominantly young audience (aka the kids but they seem have eased up on that a bit).

Nevertheless there needs to be a class action lawsuit done against these companies, and with the hope that we win to set a precedent for future cases. Take it up to the supreme court if we have to.

Pretty sure they can only claim owership if you agree to the ToS. Which is requires to continue using the service.
Thank god I’m not developer. Now, I may need to delete one audio I uploaded…

And, again, even if this lawsuit is bringing the hammer down on these guys, Roblox tends to get ignored for some peculiar reason.
Plus, as I said…

This has held true for all of Human history. Material wealth speaks volumes.

Power Exploitation.

Fucking cunts


What I hate most about this is the AI thing. They are funneling actual human creations to fuel mass-produced worthless garbage made by a soulless machine. AI must be stopped before it destroys human creativity.

I really don’t know why you’re attacking warmwater because this new roblox change is atrocious and honestly with the way things seem to be going he could be right.

Ehh, calling it atrocious is a bit much. There have been plenty worse updates Roblox has made, whereas this one is just re-iterating information that we’ve known for a while (developers don’t own anything, our content is fueling some sort of machine learning tool, etc).

It’s bad don’t get me wrong, but not anything ground-breakingly new.

It should honestly be illegal to like do this ngl but I’m assuming this kind of thing is extremely vague and broad of a subject so I won’t try to go into too much detail.

This isn’t the only thing from that though, the developers have no copyright to their own work meaning that if someone were to copy their thing the developers can’t do anything about it on their own, but any issues stemming from their work that’s a legal issue is still the problem of the developers.

Eeeh, back in mah day the only AI I was concerned about was the challenger A.I. in Smash Bros. Melee. Nowadays I feel like if you want to be an artist, game dev, or any other occupation that needs some degree of creativity without getting your stuff involuntarily fed to a machine, you’re stuck with the small platforms that barely have any reach.

As a certain Ohio geek with glasses said, “You’re either getting fucked over, fucked over, or fucked over.”

I seriously doubt the fact that Roblox is going to die in the next 6 months due to a mass exodus of players

I mean the older playerbase definitely will leave and roblox will probably lose a lot of money but I don’t know about this stuff a lot so take what I say with a grain of salt

Literally the only way Roblox could be affected is a strike or a lot of lawsuits (and what player/dev has the money for that :skull:).

These changes don’t matter at all to your average player, not only do kids (the majority of players) not care at all since they probably don’t understand it, the older playerbase that does understand either is already slowly separating from Roblox or once again does not care due to it not affecting them.

Believing that Roblox will die or lose a bunch of money when most people here are planning to continue to play Roblox or AO is the final game they’ll play (which will presumably last years) is hilarious

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If I understand correctly, he can’t because AO is no longer his intellectual property, so he would have to get direct permission from Roblox to write the book (no chance they’d take him up on it).

absolutely evil idea:

remember those condo games? and those other NSFW fetish things that aren’t allowed on the site?

roblox is basically saying they own this stuff, and we can say that they aren’t accepting responsibility for it when they try getting other people to take a lawsuit for THEIR property.

If I was a judge, I would be on the side that’s prosecuting roblox for this.