Important, will affect developers including AO

So let me get this straight.

They’re training AI off… any code in your game? Because it’s “their property”?

im interested to see how front page cashgrab games can become even more soulless due to ai

because this is a stupid idea. Setting morality aside, it is physically impossible to train off data found in a game because of all the moving pieces.

This actually boarders on a decent idea. Just be sure you don’t do anything too spicy so no one is traumatized for life. (And use an alt with no ties to your main, unless you want to go out with a bang)

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Try Byond and Space Station 13 :+1:

Won’t change grifters from trying to grift on a trend.

Your wish is their command
Sort of

Bro is gonna write Arcane odyssey Manga then sell it

Introducing 1000 techniques that do nothing 1000 spells that are op and 1000 weapons that have map covering AOES


And it’s already in effect
i was going to open up AO but now i risk copyright infringement with a eu4 mod server that i got banned for being too political(tbh i was ruining the mood)

They did specify that the owner still has the rights to their product in the new ToS, but roblox also has the rights BY AGREEING TO USE THE SERVICE AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Oh yeah the legal complications of this are insane. It’s against the Terms of Service to make sexual content on the platform, and it could even be illegal, but since all of the sexual stuff is now Roblox’s intellectual property, the people who made the content on responsible as far as the ToS goes but Roblox is legally viable here. (I’m not a lawyer so take this with a grain of salt though)

I can’t wait to watch the lawsuits unfold.

popcorn anyone? :popcorn:

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Holy shit.
Roblox is literally ASKING to be hit with a thousand kamikazes now. They’re as legally liable as the devs are too.
This will NOT end well for them.


So I assume the developer has the rights to the product and it’s name but Roblox also has the rights to the inner workings/code then?

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Bro I’m pretty sure all you gotta do is search up something spicy on the search bar and you’ll find some non-TOS friendly content that Roblox just claimed ownership of.

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What was even the point of these new rules anyways? Sure, nobody may notice the changes first hand, but news spreads fast in the Roblox community, so most of the people whom this concerns will find out eventually. I’m not a lawyer, but I believe any creative work is the intellectual property of the person/group who created it, so what Roblox is doing here is illegal. It won’t be long before the community has a major uproar and the lawsuits start getting filed.

the point is so that they can start to train AI on peoples code


Pretty much

This feels like theft to me

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It’s interesting something this tyrannical has happened to both Roblox and Minecraft now. I’m hearing people float theories around that it may be related to an inbound economic depression…
Not that I’d be surprised. The economy of a lot of nations isn’t doing spectacularly, from what I saw last.
If it is the financiers and such of these corporations, no wonder they’re doing this; they’re trying to profit off of whatever they can get, if not even trying to sell things they can get their hands on.