In-game island sizes vs canon sizes

English is my second language I thought they were normal folk, and I do think i’m correct

it’s anyone who lives in palo town

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It has a population of 2000
Meaning 2000 people live there
There are 20 houses

40 people per house

Guess it’s 1000
Still doesn’t change the fact that 1000 people don’t fit in 20 houses

Did you count how many houses there are ? Also there are 1000 citizens in the island not in the town

the only place to live on the island is the town, there’s not 500 people camping out in the woods

It literally says POPULATION of 1000

And 20 is an estimate


Why is he so desperately trying to disprove something that furthers his point

there’s no where else to live on the island except for the town

Damn 700 people in the woods is crazy

The cannon fist mentor doesn’t live there. There are camps scattered around the island as well :confused:

How many camps

Why don’t you go there and count them also do that with the houses because you’re just saying there are 20 when there’s probably more or less :skull:

Not on my computer, can’t get on

even if there were 50 houses there’d have to be 20 people in each one, which just wouldn’t happen

Not my problem, couldn’t care less, just accept you’re wrong bro

If you got that much free time to discuss whether there are 20 houses or not in an island then you must have enough time to get on your computer