In-game island sizes vs canon sizes

On average there’s around 3 people per house in the US, let’s be generous and assume 10 people live in each house (absurd)
There’s still 800 more people on the island

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I’m not at home dumbass

27 houses, 2 camps and Dennis Harvey outside. I didn’t count the merchants outside or on their little ships. Also this is not the US, and we live in a basically different world than ours there’s nothing proving 10, 15 or even 20 people live in the same house, plus most houses are 2 floors so

“I lost the argument but I’m too arrogant to accept my mistake”


Assuming 10 people per house that’s 270 people in the houses and 870 in the 2 tents?

I’m proving my point further meanwhile he’s just ''oh wow 20 houses not enough :nauseated_face: ‘’

That’s why I didn’t use the US average lmfao

you’ve proven literally nothing toward your point of in game size being accurate to the canon lore


We should do this with Ravenna’s population of 20000.

Read the rest


How did this go from Luffy vs PK to how many people live in Palo Town bruv :sob:

I’m sort of on his side ngl, I don’t get how you can’t see how the number of structures of the island doesn’t accurately represent how many people live there (40 people living under 1 roof is ridiculous)

Because you said game size was accurate to lore size

going with 20 people per house then, 27 houses and 2 camps is still only 580 people, that’s barely over half

I never said that, I only said it’s the only source we have so it’s ‘‘maybe’’ not that big.

it’s not a credible source

Normalest Discussion on arcane odyssey.

Next, we’re going to be talking about the moral implications of genetic engineering.

And then, have a debate over whether explosion magic or water magic is superior (the answer is explosion)

AND THEN, we’ll have another argument about some bizarre issue that warps all the way back to the original topic, and the cycle shall repeat with new topics until eventually we get bored and/or a mod closes it.

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Shut the fuck up yall.