In-game island sizes vs canon sizes

The population is 1000
there are not 20 houses
It’s crazy how the person you’re defending lied to you and you still think he’s right

they have. multiple times. But allow me to present the argument.

The palo side bar literally says that there’s around 1000 citizens in palo town. You yourself counted about 27 houses. Now let’s say that there’s a good chunk of people traveling around the world, about 300 (700 residents total). That’s still be roughly about 25 or 26 per home.

Now you could say that there’s camps outside of palo, but they themselves are enough for, like, 2 people? And how many camps are there again? 3? There’s a chance that it’s not even an actual citizen of palo town, probably just another traveler. Saying that this is where some of the residents are living is a bit too much of a stretch. Not unless if they’re homeless or just like living outside.

But let’s take that into account say another 200 of the palo town population is homeless, which means 500 people have a roof over their head. That’s still roughly about 18,19 people per house.

Another thing I’d like to mention is that AwesomeOS has barely swore directly at you. Almost no one here cussed you out aside from TAITC via sentence mixing. And while you haven’t exactly swore either, you’ve responded immaturely. (who asked + a nerd emoji? seriously?) Barely anyone is taking you seriously after that.

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its crazy how that even matters when the population is still a 1000 with 20 houses

Anyways why the fuck are you guys arguing about the FUCKING POPULATION
shit don’t got anything to do with the game other than more numbers

how is ‘‘who asked’’ with a nerd emoji a curse word.
Also I don’t remember him saying anything like that, pretty sure it was just the randoms trying to help him :confused:
I don’t know how can you not understand people might not live only in houses, like Dennis Harvey has a hut and the population might count for visitors etc, count the NPcs and the ships outside of the city. I’m just wasting my time at this insane dickriding bro, I simply won’t reply to this stupid argument

i kindly ask that you reread that part

which other person has sworn directly at you

Dennis is one person. One person doesn’t determine the entire population. Especially not a bunch of absent campers.

Only people who live in Palo Town can participate in a census (a thing that basically tallies up the population), meaning merchants and travelers can’t participate.

This isn’t even d-riding. This is just you being extremely ignorant.

petition to bring a mod here and close this topic.

you have my signature

ok hear me out.
how the fuck are 1000 people going to fit on palo town’s island to begin with, forget how many houses or camps there are, where are you going to put 1000 people on that tiny island and have it still be livable?

I don’t even know if 1000 people can STAND on palo town island, if yes, barely

im not responding with arguments anymore because i already won and you’ve proven your lack of literary skills

no, this is funny

He admitted to being wrong about the number because he misremembered.

bro you guys aint even talking about the fact theres literally 12000 people on ravenna aint no way they all fitting

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I made an entire post discussing that

wdym bro that video is peak fr ong :cold_face: :mask: :fire: :fire:

no he’s right i called him a dumbass when he didnt read what i posted it was just too much :sob:

Ok but cancer solos