Information on the Sun

Almost a year ago I made this odd discovery that stuck in the back of my mind. Since this discovery it has laid dormant in side mind…until now.

So I did a little exploring. The sun in WoM is rising in the west and setting in the east (opposite to our own). Being a curious man I joined Arcane Adventures (not reborn) to see what it’s sun was like. It was even weirder with the sun rising from the north and setting in the south. In Arcane Odyssey (thanks to this video) the sun will be setting in the north; the opposite to how it was in AA.

To find the direction of North in AA, since there is no map, I used a boat. If you get on a boat it will show you a compass that greatly helped me out. Using this I have also confirmed that the player will always spawn east.

As for how I found out the sun’s setting/rising positions in AO in that video I linked it gives a good view of shadows growing towards the south, indicating that the sun is setting in the north. Nothing too crazy or advanced, just basic stuff that I’m looking too deep into.

Now there are two theories I have about this. First and least probable theory; the Earth’s rotation is changing due to world-threatening events. AO takes place after AA, when a major battle just finished a month before. Perhaps that battle was so intense it disturbed the rotation of the planet itself. My second theory is probably more likely. It’s that, instead of the earth’s rotation changing, instead the immense amount of magic somehow affected our planet’s magnetic field; that same magnetic field compasses use to tell which way is north. These are both just theories though.

I could probably look for footage of OF and AA’s second/third sea to try to find out what their suns were like but I feel like that would be so time consuming, plus tolerable footage of both would be harder to find then the evidence for which direction their suns are setting/rising.

Alright sorry for boring you with this deep dive into something Vetex just probably forgets exists.

enjoy this sunset ig and any mods who feel like this deserves to be in Exploring feel free to change it :nod:

in AA the sun rises in the north
in WoM the sun rises in the west
in AO the sun rises in the south


the sun is a star

It’s actually explained by Theos that the attack which split the world into islands (From his last fight with Durza) also fucked up Earth’s rotation and makes the sun rise in the north and set in the south.

In the case of AO, that could be either a mistake, sudden change Vetex made, or just where the War Seas are in relation to the Seven Seas maybe.
As for WoM my best guess is those like ~2000 years let the earth recover its original rotation

vet doesn’t know his cardinal directions

tho this is rather interesting

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the sun rising from the east sounds like a big fat lie to arcane universe mfs now

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It’s probably a mistake, but the place the sun rises and sets is slightly different depending on which hemisphere you’re in. If the rotation was really messed up, maybe they’d be a full 180° apart? Wouldn’t be the most absurd thing in the lore.

Official non official headcanon. Id believe it but I bet you it’s just inconsistencies. But your claim makes sense.

Third theory: vetex just does what he wants and looks over small things like this

why would the direction the sun rises/sets matter in a roblos rpg again

The only way I could see this possible is if the Earth were to simultaneously revolve around the sun in one whole day each and turn about 90 degrees every 1/4 day

vetex be like: “uh yeah that is tottaly intended”

Theory: fuck it the peacekeeper is the entire planet and does whatever he wants :man_shrugging:

No, it rises in the West, or South West. Look at whatever clip you used again

You right, little to the west, but in AO it’s also a little to the east. Not as much as here but it’s still noticeably off. But yeah re-watching it again it does appear far more west than I originally though, huh.

Also based on the sunset clip and Arcane Adventures map, the sun appears to be coming in from the Southwest as it’s setting in the Northeast

Yup, it rises in north east, I’d say more north than east though but still not a clear cut north. Didn’t ever think it was but still something. Looking eastward in that photo.

also despite the sun having set south it’s clear that the sun is not directly overhead, leaving an angled shadow on my character (keep in mind I’m facing west at this moment, so the shadow is southeast). The sun doesn’t need to be directly overhead so this is somewhat fine albeit odd which could explain the diagonal shadows in the AO footage but it could also just be that the sun sets more west than I think. Only Vetex (and ig testers) may know.

I’d like to point out how 1. that map is from the Arcane Reborn wiki so I don’t know how accurate it is to AA and 2. I have actually found a compass in game to get an actual in game sense of direction. I think you just got the directions mixed up, the sun 100% sets in the South even going off of that map (assuming south = down)

the sun in the Arcane Universe is weird

Ya nvm, meant it set in the southwest and rose in northeast

So it would be

in AA the sun rises in the north east
in WoM the sun rises in the south west (more west)
in AO the sun rises in the south west (more west)

Likely just an oversight

wow, this is actually a pretty cool detail I haven’t noticed. It would make sense too, since rotation was a bit fucked when the big boom,

That or Betex forgot his directions lol

why would mistakes in cardinal directions for the sun’s placement matter in a block game rpg

vetex probably forgor