Something about the sun

A’ight so I was just standing sometime and at sunset I noticed something odd about the world. The sun was going from west to east, not east to west like our sun goes. The red arrow points towards north and the map even shows the north to be further up the map, like how it is in our world.

So the Earth, in WoM (and possibly AO), is spinning backwards. Who knows though, maybe this was just an oversight but I don’t feel like it was…

Oh shoot
Time loop theory?

And on this episode of game theory: reasons why life can’t exist in arcane odyssey

Now I see. We are going back in time huh? Maybe magius did exist in the near future. But our main character broke a hole in the timeline. Sending us back one month before migration. The timeline rejected our character and sent somebody else up to rise as the main character. A brave warrior in the war seas. But hey, that’s just a theory. A GAME Theory.

And it doesn’t burn your eyes when you stare into it.