Information on the Sun

Ok my brain was just picturing everything weird

If the magnetic poles were to move to the equator then the earth can entirely be spinning from south to north, just not geographically south to north. Since north, east, south, and west are being measured with a compass in the arcane universe this would allow the sun to rise in the south and set in the north from some people and rise in the north and set in the south for others.

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Then it would no longer be the equator…

I think you missed out on some basic geography

The equator would still be the equator because the equator is determined by the geographic poles, not the magnetic poles

Which would make a compass not display the actual north nor south

Also magnetic poles are still heavily dependent on geographic poles even tho it’s not a constant.

This is really just making things more complicated than it needs to be ;-;

Fr, man can’t believe a game dev made a mistake, it’s not that deep.

A real-world compass doesn’t display the actual north or south either. Compasses point at the magnetic poles and the “actual” north and south are at the geographic poles. On earth, the magnetic south pole that a compass points to is nearly 2000 miles away from the “actual” geographic south pole.

True, but we are talking about a world with magic and events that shatter the continents, it’s not crazy to assume that large magic events could manipulate the magnetic field of the planet.

I think Vetex could have entirely come to this conclusion by mistake, I’m just trying to explain how it could be possible.

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By negligible margins

You’re just delving into semantics now

Literally a case I provided

Ok, it’s still much more likely he made a mistake

I wouldn’t call nearly 2000 miles negligible but I guess that’s up to personal opinions

I read over that message sorry


This depends entirely on location tbf

And I think certain weight compensated compasses can point to geographic north

Okay, I figured it out

Since if the sun set and rose in the north and south through the rotation of the Earth solely, you can’t really do that since the north and south stay where they are, and if you made the Earth rotate north than it wouldn’t be the pole anymore and therefore not be the south/north

So I suppose that maybe the Sun rotates around the prime meridian (?) really fast, or the Earth rotates around the Sun in the same fashion?

I’m not sure on the specifics, but isn’t Atlas holding up the sky above the Earth according to Greek mythology, so it might be geocentric?
I know Aristotel was a geocentrist, but that also some others were heliocentrists.

If it is then the geocentric model is cannon in the Arcane universe, as it is based on the mythos, and it is all intentional.

Thanks. Good to know.
(also Vertex did answer so yknow, I guess it is that fucked up)

its pretty simple to understand, the earths normal rotation was messed up by durza’s attack


So it rotates to the north now???

That would mean that it’s not the north though

its not a mistake, read my replies


Durza’s attack messed up the planet in a way that made the Sun rise and set in the south and north?

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