Insanity Motion Sickness Mode

Insanity Motion Sickness Mode
effort 4.636363636363637 22 quality 4.608695652173913 23 reasonability 4.730769230769231 26

Ok so call me a wuss if you want but there should be an ability to toggle motion sickness mode for insanity or straight up change some insanity effects.

Recently I’ve been more prone to getting motion sick from video games for whatever reason and it kinda sucks because I love Arcane Odyssey, I even bought Patreon to support it. I know I’m not the only one who has issues with this and in general some insanity effects are just so disorienting to the point of ruining immersion.

How to implement
Ease the field of view change on the i2+ effect or delete it completely and replace it with something else. As well as this it will make other visuals more accommodating like less ship swaying and the violent camera change you get from being grabbed with desync.

I get it that insanity should be representative of its name but it shouldn’t make the game debilitating by just playing

Please :sob:


Games should not physically affect people IRL, and if they do, they should warn against it and have settings to supplant it



big agree, for ppl who think it’ll be an advantage or smth as an i2 player on two files the field of view changes don’t slow me down at all, it’s only the purple fire and very rare color inversion that actually affects my gameplay (and I’m told that there’s ways to just straight up delete the purple fire texture from your client)


Not being able to play a game because of motion sickness or seizures sounds like it sucks, and there’s a lot more ways to implement effects that can screw with the player without giving them a headache.


now i think about it Insanity is just RNG hell isn’t it?

I honestly don’t get why anyone would be against this feature.

They’re prolly the ones who say “ez” or “get good” even if someone is on the verge of puking and suffering from a headache.

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Right one time I was motion sick in i2 from jumping off an island and getting the screen zoom at the same time and ended up clipping into range 5
Needless to say I did not have a good time
Only one I see who might disagree is @opticalcord

In addition, we should have a motion sickness mode that turns every single visual distortion effect up to 11.

It’ll be fun, trust me!
Vision is overrated.

These two modes should have the EXACT same labels and descriptions as each other.
They should also be right next to each other in the settings menu!
Surely nothing bad would happen.


real he is the type of goober to just respond with “no.” and refuse to elaborate further

Just use warding when in the dark sea?

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This is a very good point, although if there was a toggle everyone would use it so it basically debuffs insanity so maybe some balancing for the stats would be required as well.

I don’t see why this is needed when you can turn off insanity effects by removing insanity items, or use warding. insanity modifiers in PVP as of now just give “free stats” removing further effects removes the point of not using insanity armor in pvp

You know they can just have downsides in other creative ways rather than just spamming the screen with effects right? Balance should come last when we’re dealing with stuff like this.

this should be implemented tbh, sometimes when I use i2 and forget my volume I get my ears destroyed from the fire, btw it’s really annoying bc its really hard to see targets with it, unless its not that much

If a motion sickness toggle is going to be added, it should affect a lot more things than one insanity effect. For this case I think that the FOV insanity effect should just be completely changed (could probably say that with a lot of insanity effects just cause they’re mostly free).

Also a balancecord main seems to have joined the forums, so this might get Really Funny soon…

We shouldnt have to sacrifice stats just because of insanity?

I agree with this suggestion, but it should also reduce other effects like being underwater/getting hit by a wave.
Even insanity 1 can be quite damaging to my eyes, also on an unrelated note taking a 1-2 hour break from the game is good for your eyes.
Stay safe out there.

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This has nothing to do with balance btw, this is for accessibility :skull:

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this is the kind of suggestion that really should just go through regardless of anyones personal thoughts on how it affect stats or pvp or whatever. it shouldnt be controversial for accessability features to be added, therefore: anyone that doesnt give this 5 stars consider yourself an opp