Insanity Motion Sickness Mode

Insanity Motion Sickness Mode
effort 4.636363636363637 22 quality 4.608695652173913 23 reasonability 4.730769230769231 26

it would be really easy to abuse tho, if insanity doesn’t affect you, putting it on your armor is basicly free, (still think it’s a good idea, should be balanced a bit tho, by making the effects on armors worse for exemple)

Unfortunately some people think it’s much more controversial than it needs to be

it isn’t but if there is something to abuse people will abuse it so it should be balanced, because the game is designed with the insanity effects in mind as a debuff, if only people who suffered from it would use it, no nerfs would be needed, but everything that can be abused will be abused

i dont get motion sickness, or at least, not from roblox (often, compared to minecraft/vr) but i do have 1 question
what ‘hazard’ causes the motion sickness? im actually curious

For me it’s the unexpected zoom in and change of fov while I’m navigating places with i2, a change in fov can be detrimental to the eyes if top high but the changing in it causes me to get very dizzy especially when I’m immersed. Cuz my body is still but my mind makes me think I’m moving
There might be other triggers which is why I included some other examples


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hell nah a game shouldn’t be affecting people irl no matter what and using warding is no excuse

usually when the camera warps in unexpected ways or your brain isnt used to it and it makes you nauesous

there should be a wayt o disable it but tone up the other effects

Anyone should be able to play any game without any health issues

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I dare you to play this and not get a seizure

alt way to implement: rework insanity effects to not induce motion sickness, make it so at 100% stability your ship does not sway from side to side, and what you said about the camera change!

My question is that these effects can be avoided entirely if preparations are made, I don’t feel a “mode” is needed when insanity is supposed to “going insane” which involves seeing things that don’t exist. I do agree that some sort of warning should exist, cuz the game does have a good amount of flashing lights.


all players should be able to play without having to make preparations. Thats why accommodations are important

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This is basic accessability and therefor should be added. This is definitly a no brainer.

Why are people even arguing about this, let people play without vomiting please

Don’t worry, there’s only like 2 stupid people that think this is a bad idea.

Hey there, first of all, there’s no shame in raising awareness/bringing attention on stuff related to possible health complications.

Second, I’ve taken note about this post and as I’m writing this I’m about to ask @vetex if there’s anything that can be done, either with a toggle (which is the best for those who would still want to experience the ‘would-be-toggled’ effects) or a removal of these effects; on top of adding a warning, as some have said.

Once again, thank you for bringing attention to these matters.


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