Insanity Motion Sickness Mode

Insanity Motion Sickness Mode
effort 4.636363636363637 22 quality 4.608695652173913 23 reasonability 4.730769230769231 26


all players should be able to play without having to make preparations. Thats why accommodations are important

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This is basic accessability and therefor should be added. This is definitly a no brainer.

Why are people even arguing about this, let people play without vomiting please

Don’t worry, there’s only like 2 stupid people that think this is a bad idea.

Hey there, first of all, there’s no shame in raising awareness/bringing attention on stuff related to possible health complications.

Second, I’ve taken note about this post and as I’m writing this I’m about to ask @vetex if there’s anything that can be done, either with a toggle (which is the best for those who would still want to experience the ‘would-be-toggled’ effects) or a removal of these effects; on top of adding a warning, as some have said.

Once again, thank you for bringing attention to these matters.


based forum admin

Honestly I think the best course of action would be to remove effects that cause motion sickness entirely and replace them with, say, literally anything else lol.

Then people won’t be able to complain “the motion sickness option is easy mode and lets people use insanity for free” or some bullshit.

People who argue against motion-sickness-causing stuff for “balance” and “because it’ll be an easy mode of sorts” make no sense to me. Why would anyone rather have people get physically sick because of a game, instead of some people getting something slightly easier so that they don’t get nausea?

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besides anyone can always turn it on

that doesn’t make sense thou, that’s like saying people should expect to find the game easy without grinding proper armor and enchantment scrolls. thou is possible that im seeing this from a wrong perspective.

Dawg it’s not making it “easier” it’s changing an effect so that it doesn’t make people sick

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no way, a sugestion that is actually considered

time to celebrate

Just as ordered, your new Insanity system! No returns, no refunds!

(I have gotten nausea a few times from the FoV distortion, so I’d actually really like this sort of change(My joke suggestion possibly being made reality as a result is just a bonus for me).)


i’m scared about how this will affect balancing, maybe insanity should do some other effects?

what should be done, instead of zooming in like that, it should make your screen show a visible crack (not a real crack) in it for a couple seconds so it would still be disruptive

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“balancing” dawg it’s an accessibility feature :skull:

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I agree, it is an incredibly stupid point to make, but people will (and already have) made it.

ok about the ‘balance’ point replace it with something equally annoying but not motion sickness causing
like i mentioned earlier a fake crack on your screen would be good


but changing it to anything else would not even be an insanity effect, rn many of the effects can make you feel sick, which i agree too. personally i don’t use insanity armor at all due to that. but what would you even change them too honestly?