send pics of your wackiest and most insane trade requests, no matter how good/bad it is
Not all maid skirts but /shrug
Please do consider to make physical contact with an Eremochloa ophiuroides or similar species in your vicinity immediately.
goofy ass trade
Have to appease the feminine boy market. Their craze for maid items knows no bounds.
psure i banned that dude lmao
maple smited him
Sadly don’t have a pic of it but-
It was Lance of Loyalty for Shoulder crow
I cba to blur out the names but uh just don’t harass any of these dudes (not like anyone here will see them in game [EU SERVERS!!!]), a couple of these guys legit witch hunted me but instead of trying to kill me, they were begging for a sunken sword.
^This is getting a bit annoying since it happens every time I log on basically, they always say after I decline “but you have 7 though!! plss give me one”
2 exotics for 1 rare its great trade quality trust
lemme just find all the strange and whatever trades in my infinite screenshots folder
note: will be a small description under each trade
them trades (kinda long)
bro really wanted that scroll
the infamous food-for-drop trade
honestly no idea what to even think of it, didnt take it tho(no clue why/why not)
the centurion helmet thooo
bro really was all in for that argos helmet
adds 200 galleons now its fair
no comment
and this is how i now have elius armor despite only getting his accs and SoS from farming him
“what could be comparable to the infamous food-for-drop trade”
adopt me scammers trying AO
“damn those food related trades are strange, but there is no way someone offers even a stranger one”
“i have seen so many strange trades by now, no way it gets even more chaotic”
just noticed same guy as in the screenshot before lol
shit im running out of things to say here
this is from recent memory, the guy here tried SO HARD to get some kind of helmet from me
BTW, dont bully people that offer bad trades or stuff like that, not everyone sits around on forums/trading servers and knows values, AO value is not helping it either.
Nah bro why you forgetting the 527 galleons…thats what make its worth frrr
cant be hatin on my boy Denisukraine2 like that
Don’t have a screenshot but someone offered that one spear Calvus has I’m exchange for swift or some shit
my friend got this from some random in a public
Don’t have a pic but like less than half an hour ago this dude offered me a sanguine, kai’s sabre and 750 galleons for a clean fair defense amulet
accepted since I don’t need it