Introverts of AO, I need some advice

the reason i dont like talking to people isn’t because i’m scared of what they’ll think of me, its because i’m scared of what i think of myself

Just be careful of who you talk to because some kids are weird asf, even weirder than the entire forums. But yeah, it’s fine if you talk to somebody, just try to get to know them first and you’ll be on the road to friendship :nod: :+1:

i’ve met some

okay dude calm down they cant be THAT bad

25% - 50% of the students have GPA of either below 3
Some even have full F’s :moyai:
And like all (most) of the classes are purely made up of noise.
But yeah I just straight up ignore it :niceman:

(Some at least are better, they’re prob just lazy)

yeah but you can have full f’s and still be better than the average ar player, be careful when you throw around a term that offensive

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don’t tell them
It’s just been years and all I see is the same


which bedwars? hypixel or (roblox)?

also i need to start acting more extroverted too because though i do have a good amount of friends in school rn and have known them since elementary, i don’t really talk to them on the weekends and i’d probably lose touch with them after i go to high school (our hs is like 6-7x bigger than the middle school i’m going to now) and they say it’s harder to get friends as you get older :pensive: :pensive:

dont get too hopeful.
I talked to two of my old friends over the summer, one of them was alright, and the other started bullying his younger brother. Not that it’s not good to get back in touch, but it doesn’t always turn out good.

that makes it like 3x worse :pray::pensive:

bro spammed
C-H-I-L-L when somebody talked i am concerened

bet, send em

if this no joke id suggest to join a small friend group at first

i’m the class clown so i wouldent know tbh

Just look up flare in political

something tells me I’m not gonna like what I see

oh wow