Is AO PvP really that bad?

It’s not a real pvp thread if someone doesn’t get banned

IMO I prefer AO combat way more than grounded m1 based combat. Personally, getting the first hit and then doing a stunlock combo where you get your opponent down to 0 HP is not skill. Unlike those games, it’s possible to 1v5 in this if your skilled enough without having to worry about being combo juggled.

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When dark sea drops them bitches be tryna farm content

Make it so that 2nd Awakening can be obtained from Dark sea :cook: there for they are grinding even harder and make the method SUPER HARD!

And make the 2nd Awakening obtainment from the Dark sea where you have to fight Time-Skip Revon with 4th Magic, and fighting style with radius and impact and Death magic and a bunch of unobtainable legendary weapons that do 5000! DMG on hit with Pre-Nerf Pulsar! and Revon has 9000 hp and he gains 9000 for every player will make them grind hard!

Sir, wrong post, You should put this Here

Vetex puts a decent amount of effort into combat the game gets too much criticizem for being in this much of an early state, also the combat has a great foundation not only for uniqueness but for gameplay in general as everything scales up especially after dark sea combat will feel very fast paced. and only get more fast paced as we progress which imo is great.

Bro is onto nothing revamp it onto what, he doesn’t give any specific examples just says blanket statements “its outdated” than wt do we replace it with WHAT would make it new more modern as he says.

what would be bettter combat? list examples? like do u want just more variety or what is it about the core mechanics combat thats so bad? I think everyone just judges because its lacking progression and variety atm

I know this isn’t related, but waaaay back in the day, there existed a game called Pokemon brick bronze on Roblox

If you haven’t heard of it, it was a fan made Pokemon game made on Roblox using 3d sprites from pokemon, but having its own world, gui, story, etc. The game only had around 3-6k players at most playing it from what I remember. It felt so weird to me reading what you said since it kinda lined up with PBB, the games a passion project coming to fruition

I really hope that the community is chill being smaller than most like PBB, it doesent have to have the biggest community ever to still be a pretty cool game!

imo gems should just be removed tbh, i was outta the loop for a bit, but wasn’t that a feature that was just kinda suddenly announced and then added?

even then, rn they just make stat checks too easy and make the difference for low vs high level players that much wider.


the combat isn’t dated?? it’s literally just a different style of combat. that’s like saying street fighter combat is outdated just because it’s from an old game tf

That game getting shut down by Nintendo was a tragedy fr :sob:


Pbb was pulling more like 10-20k at one point from wt I remember


this is a clear sentence

I think yeah it did but I’m p sure those were from super big updates

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pvp system is great apart from the fact that some builds can fly, and generally balancing is the issue but thats being worked on 24/7

Pokemon Brick Bronze had 3-6k concurrent players, meaning how many players were active in one instant. The true amount of active players for PBB would’ve been in the dozens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands.

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I’m not an expert at game design, I’m just stating how I feel about the combat.
I don’t have any solutions beyond completely scrapping it and replacing it for another game’s combat that I enjoy more but that would be an idiotic argument and would never happen regardless.

For reference I typically enjoy combat systems with grounded M1 based combat lacking stunlock combos because stunlock combos are shit design.

I also occasionally play shooters and movement shooters which is what AO’s combat feels the most like out of everything else.

AO has the telegraphs, committed attacks, blocking, parrying, and dodging that I’d expect from the slower paced melee focused games that I’m familiar with while also having the fast paced movement, large area attacks, fast moving projectiles, and tech that I’d expect from a movement shooter.

These things are polar opposites and don’t mix well atleast in my current experience in AO.

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i been doing an in-game survey (only got 7 people so far surveys take a long time)
but from what i have seen: only 1 person dislikes it the other 6 think PVP is fine OR just needs work
(like removing 6 on 1 ganking)
(funny thing only like 4 out of the 7 never tried dueling (any kind of planned fights))

(on a side note 3 of the players who think PVE is more important compared to 4 think PVP is more important)

the survey

no, I’m not doing this in the forums I’m looking for in-game people