Is AO PvP really that bad?

I mean given the fact that the entire “the combat is stinky and old and it’s not what I’m used to!” Argument is said by the same people who think that 2k concurrent = dead, it’s pretty easy to dismiss the argument entirely

However, I will say the combat does infact have its flaws (especially with the balancing). Doesn’t mean it ruins the game at all, though.

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Sorry, I meant to reply to RaveNitro with that post.

Also vetex responded to that video

W mans


Nahhh aint no way Sagee from all people is shittalking AO

I agree.
while the unwelcome combat encounters (bounty hunting) definitely detract from the game its far from game ruining.
I barely interact with combat in this game at all and still enjoy it with my friends from time to time.

Despite that, I do wonder what this game would look like with a better combat system.
(one with an entry level that isn’t in space)

The core mechanics can still be changed right now, while the game is in early access.

After about 2 years , it’ll be too late for vetex.

I always cringe whenever vetex adds anything related to combat, because that just means that it’ll be much harder to revamp combat in the future if he ever decides to do so.

“My community likes it”

The community seems really divided on the game as of now.

Lets be honest that’s not happening ever, maybe some minor-ish revamps like anchoring is turned into a slow motion-like float but nothing insane will happen.

If he did a GIANT revamp now he would have to revamp all boss fights, npc ai, balance stats to accommodate it, etc.

I’ve kinda accepted that the combat will be iffy but everything else is great, like vetex said the current combat will improve over time but I’m not expecting anything major

Sadly if that’s the case then I guess I won’t be playing AO anymore.

Even if the game isn’t based on combat, if feel like it heavily affects things like immersion and the storyline. If core combat is going to be bad then, I don’t feel like the game will have much potential.

Understandable, if it’s that intrusive to your gameplay then you should feel no obligation to play if you can’t enjoy it

no reason to argue with someone’s tastes :person_shrugging:

I respect your opinion on the combat. If you don’t want to play with it being at it’s current state, that’s alright. No pressure or anything.

Bro just played the game couldn’t Block Parry Dodge and decided to rant on WHY THE COMBAT SUCKS!!!

and proceeds to find the most bs reasons to support his case

Id rather vetex keeps the combat as us with only minor changes because if he changed it:

  • as stated before, he’d have to rework basically the entire game AGAIN (specifically bosses, stats, gear, abilities, etc etc)

  • it would likely feel like a more inferior version of other games combat (Drywoken, if he tried to do a more m1/parry based combat, for example)

  • it would drive away the people who DO like the current combat

if combat isn’t the focus of the game i would like to not be forced into it by others so that i can actually enjoy the story and exploration bc that shit is hurting my gameplay experience

but whatever, i don’t play ao anymore bc of that shit

Sadly don’t want to put anymore time into this game to Block Parry Dodge :frowning:

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Every person who Shittalked about AO be like when AO get revived


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ao getting revived for like a month before everyone gets bored and only pvp tryhards remain


But if AO gets the Bloxys I mean INNOVATION AWARDS!!! OMG BIG INNOVATION it might get some newer people playing or if it gets some replayability outside of Dark seas

blackstar gonna be mad af if that happens

it will probably just end in the old tryhards pushing newgens out of the game and then breeding more sweats of those that remain to continue the cycle

the award won’t change the core gameplay, which is still the problem at large when it comes to numbers and engagement