Is AO PvP really that bad?

But this game is fast paced unless u have a tank build which is the least common build in the game, the game gives options it’s up to you how you utilize them

Iron leg berserkers would say otherwise

Thats a really slow sluggish build not fast paced

boxing as a second slot would say otherwise

also that comeback makes absolutely no sense why are you mentioning how fast paced a build is when all I pointed out is how ileg berserkers are actually somewhat common.

This is prevalent in fights against Navy/Pirates where the crew is fodder and gets vaporized, while you have to run away from the captain and co-captain. They deal alot of damage and have quick moves like gun m1s that have aimbot and are impossible to react to (especially if you’re fighting multiple strong NPCs). You either have to kite and outrange them or just rush them down if you are strong enough.

Balance is hard thing to reach, it’s almost universal for all games to struggle with balance. But you are right, theres a point where a game is too imbalanced and it’s not fun to play. While it is in early access, theres too much of a foundation for Vetex to restart. He’d have to make small adjustments and combat isn’t his entire focus for the game.

I’d be interested to see where he takes it, but I can understand why people don’t like and avoid the combat.

what is this thread even about

debating how bad this game is

We will be balancing out all armour stats.


Jewels were always planned? Like they were always in the trello and vetex was always planning on adding them. As for the fact that they make everything incredibly one-sided, the same can be said for enchantments, if you’re fighting with no or bad enchantments, it’s along the same vein of fighting someone who has jewels without jewels. Personally I like the power jump that you get, the only thing I would change is getting to perfect easier.

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Maybe they’re referring to the fact that the first time they were ever mentioned is on the to-do list for the brewing update, which is way more spontaneous than alot of other features


Nothing is true…

yeah that’s what i meant, but even then, main point is that the balancing rn is still not the best, and then adding ANOTHER thing for stats is just the best move imo.

yeah that’s literally my point tho, it’s already not balanced without jewels.

Yeah, they should definitely stay in-game because they add a lot more stat diversity, and give gems a use. However they should also not be this grindy to get.

in my opinion, projectile desync is the worst

is abusing desync (flicking right before an attack or something) even a viable strategy to fuck up enemies?

my favorite combat is flying/high agility combat with people zipping around

thats why i made my game Winged Warriors in the first place.

funny side comment but if one player with AO combat system fought another player with grounded combat system, the AO combat player is gonna completely stomp the grounded player lol

yes it does


i’m contemplating if i should quit AO because it’s not pvp based but maybe i won’t since i won’t be able to find another game with high mobility combat where people zoom around

same and also combo stunlocks feel weird and inescapable
there isn’t a “strict” combo juggling system as you can in a way choose to break out leaving yourself open or be stuck in space while holding G

airstall feels weird in general

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ye vetex is getting rid of the zippy combat by nerfing mobility moves i say just give mage one and keep zippy combat. idk we’ll see when the update comes. combat will feel dif for most people who actually pvp on builds other than mage and i think vetex is going to get alot of back lash from it even thoe hes just trying to balance i just dont know y wants to nerf a majority of an audience instead of just buffing the minority to the same capabilities. Hes the one with the big picture thoe so there must be a good reason.

It because the point of things like crash is to actively attack the opponent, but when cowards use it to run away at low health, it’s just annoying for all parties, there was this shadow conjurer that was attacking my friends boat for no reason, and when we went to kill him, he started running away using weapon moves, which was pretty fukin annoying. Me personally, as a lightning sailor warlock, I still think this is a good change, + you can still use it to zip around, just less so (assuming he’s implementing it like the less you are aimed towards the opponent the less range, making the attack range like a blob aimed at the opponent).

Mb for the wall of text, I might tend to ramble, but you still reading it cuz I’m too lazy to do a TLDR


Rivaling Amy Schumer in comedy rn, praying you win :pray:

until i can tell that mage spells got hella nerfed, i still stand by my point

rushdown mages hiding in the corner :smirk:

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