Is AO PvP really that bad?

wait how do you play rushdown as a mage- ult art self explosion

you just use snares and blasts at close range
I do around 600 dmg a combo as a rushdown
it really got gutted after the snare nerf (I would be putting people at red hp) but it’s still viable
pretty much a guaranteed win against glass cannons (helped beat those explosion and metal users pre-aoe nerf)

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Damn, I’ve never seen that playstyle before. Sounds more fun than being prey to berserkers, warlocks, warriors, and literally everyone else who can outmaneuver you and hit you with 50 attacks at point blank while they ignore all your aoe attacks and snares.

Anyone who finds bounty hunts in this game annoying I just wanna remind you all that deepwoken has a faction that allows you to teleport to a targets island, gain an esp of them so you know where they are, and if they disappear or log you can just teleport back and find another target.

So basically, forced, inescapable, unpreventable pvp.
It’s currently the most popular faction, and a good portion of the playerbase uses this.
No matter what, you are never safe.

So basically be happy with what you have. It can be worse.

I don’t know what Iltria was cooking with voidwalker. They made verdant moon, which was a rogue clone without permadeath. Verdant moon never really forced PvP as much as rogue and there was never any consequences for dying. Like the whole point of making a rogue clone is that you don’t like playing rogue lineage (or you want dev specs). So in Deepwoken, they decide to make a rogue lineage origin complete with snap gate and illusionist observe.

It’s not that terrible considering Deepwoken doesn’t have rogue lineage’s life system (thank god)

Also just now seeing this…

How is it ”forced”?

gonna be real ao is like a kindergarten compared to deep

in deep you literally cant trust anyone man fr

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no, fuck that dumb whataboutism

Hop on monster hunter
The grind in ao isn’t getting any better

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when my only other options are to leave the game or pray for escape then it at least feels “forced” when i would honestly rather not be bothered to begin with. is it obligatory? no, however it is for renown with literally no substantial alternative of getting more.

in the current state of the game, you’re essentially forced to pvp to get around doing anything due to bounty hunting so if you’d like to nitpick based on semantics then no, pvp isn’t “forced”, but you’re gonna have a helluva time trying to play the game without being forced to get around it

oh and just bc deep woken (with a different focus on its mechanics anyway) has more aggressive hunting doesn’t mean ao’s is good by any margin. let’s not compare apples to oranges since there’s literally no point


This is a good point actually.

I feel like the game would improve more from better ways to get bounty and renown that isnt pvp specific. I feel like the game rewards pvp over fighting enemies too much so I actually agree with this point.

Hopefully something is added in this next update that’ll help out with this issue.

I honestly don’t really relate to this. I can go 3 hours straight in a full server without someone even approaching me. But I DO have experience being essentially forced to fight every time I’m in a server (WoM days :skull:)

I don’t really have much to say about this one. I guess what I said above can apply to most of what’s said.

Overall I can understand the frustration around bounty hunting and why it might feel forced
However the way you’re saying it makes it sound like you experience being ganked in every. Single. Server. You join.

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Really, it just feels like you’d need to stop touching grass to be able to enjoy the game to its fullest, but this is ofc coming from someone who really doesn’t enjoy pvp so obv i am biased

I don’t care if it can get worse, why does it need to be bad to begin with?


Unironically randoms ganked me less in Deepwoken in AO, and I attack people much more in AO, since if I kill someone in Deepwoken, I’m deleting a file, hours of progress, in AO they just loose some funi number

Ironic how in deep, the PvE is barely a threat most of the time and it’s only the PvP that gets you

Whereas in AO you can actually trust a few people but the mf level 160 warrior NPCs with guns incinerate you

Sorry PvP no lives, Graves over here is 35 levels higher than you, 100x stronger and is a vitality savant with a musket, boxing and glass magic.

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this mf spitting bars :pray:

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Tbh, I think a lot of it comes down to luck of which server you’re in.

For a while, I kinda was just getting ganked in every server I was in, to the point that I just stopped playing for two weeks. Though now I server hop when somebody has a high kill amount with low hours, and only stick to the north of the map.

He says this while allowing the balance team to take a massive role smh smh

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