Is it over thermobros?

Yeah, basically the elephant in the room i was talking about.
They should be gutting the Sailord meta already.

this is the problem

  • Dark Sea thermo was DOGSHIT

all you have to do with thermo is just

  • 20% crash
  • spam shockwave
  • spam AXE SLASH
  • spam shot

they will be dead in 15 seconds
20% crash is the same size as 60% crash in prior patches, hence why it is so strong

how??? genuine question

i have been maining it since the dark sea came out, i noticed no difference, it was always kinda mid but i like the idea of it, so i stuck with it

Oh I get it now, this guys just trolling!

  • cone check has been reversed so much to the point where its no longer an issue
  • heat drain was increased by 50% to what it was before,

so they gutted heat drain and gave it back half of it after they realized it was trash
hence why its meta again.
try it yourself

not trolling

just like seeing people get angry by coping with the truth
(sounds familiar hmmmmm)

Nobody is mad at you for disagreeing lol, people just don’t like it when you act like a dickhead, who would’ve guessed? :scream:

mabad <3

Boxing is a pretty good style it’s just that most people only use it for the passive

i don’t know, it feels pretty mid to me.
And i think they nerfed the passive, not too sure on that.

it’s fine

I feel like a good balance would be to bring back the old heat drain, but allow the damage to increase with heat (to a max of 0.8-0.825) with the new seared dot. It would still do less damage overall, while keeping thermo users from being dot machines 90% of the time.

Thermo stays goated no matter the nerfs just because it is the coolest fs

Vetex should hire better balancing people at this poinr

Actually thermo got hard nerfed because of Vetex (veto + he has the final word on pretty much everything)

Thermo is way stronger than Sailord rn

nah balance team asked for Thermo nerf, vetex vetoed the atk speed formula and -30 strenght reqs

the balance would be fine if he listened to the balance team

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