Is it over thermobros?

The balance team took his wife and kids (jk)

i donā€™t know what gets more hate, shadow conjurers by the community or thermofist by the balance team

they still haventā€™t nerfed power and defense btw

shadow conjs and monjs arent very strong
shadow monj is more of a problem because of resistance aura scaling + tiers dont change

what does that even mean

shadow conj isnā€™t even that good, sure itā€™s better than other conjurers but itā€™s usually by 10-5% differences, nothing huge. (most of the time)

150 magic conj

150m conj

Billions must switch to basic combat :pensive:

like seriously thermo gonna be so dogshit in nimbus its gonna revert to a worse version of release dark sea thermo :sob: the only point I see people using thermo is for the fighting style items at this point

ā€œits therming timeā€ -john thermofist after preparing his first by thermoing it

Eh, Iā€™m still gonna use it thoughā€¦

This is a certified: :nerd_face: ā€according to my calculationsā€ moment
All jokes aside thermo users will find a way to make thermo great again

orange hat

Ill still run thermo and smack everyone with it cuz the average players aim is pretty horrific, and cuz im prolific :disguised_face:

canā€™t believe they made thermo worse then like cfist lmaoo

Itā€™s thermover.

I already did, and itā€™s still dogshit.
Fuck your PVP, this shit is unusable in PVE and itā€™s now EVEN MORE UNUSABLE.

I hope you PVPlords get a job that consumes all of your time in the next 3 days so you canā€™t destroy the goddamn fun in PVE for once for fuckā€™s sake.
Not everybody out here is spamming keybinds every millisecond to hit the player in the face. A lot of us are just out here trying to run combo builds to get maximal fun out of fighting styles and PVE because the rhythm makes it so amazing.
ā€¦Or it did.

Go tell the balancing team to find a different way to fix thermo, such as making it gain less heat from weapon skills. Or, better yet, just fucking nerf its warlord synergy is thermolord is such an issue, goddamn!


itā€™d be better if the entire community voiced state of pvp issues and then game designer fixed those issues instead of having a small group be responsible for every balancing change

alot of the people in the balance team i imagine are great at pvp but theyā€™re not game designers by any means. So the balancing just ends up getting skewed towards high level pvp instead of casual pvp and pve.

Iā€™ve been hearing stuff about how thermo is meta, and on this thread, everyone is making it out to be garbage, me personally, iā€™ve never had a problem dealing with it. Which is why it seems so much better to be able to grab the opinion of the entire playerbase so the full scope of what thermo is and isnā€™t, is better revealed.

The solution? i donā€™t know, but its certainly not leaving a small group to spearhead changes

vetex is adding handwraps and stuff to the ā€˜fightingā€™ armour sets that replace gloves

Hottest fs*

daddy chill