Is it over thermobros?

Used thermo to kill Calvus (as lvl 100)
You need to be FAR more agressive than usual, to the point that, despite running mostly defence options, i had to stall the fight and regen just to not die. IMO, Thermo is high skill floor, high skill celing:

  • put in a lot of work just to use it properly
  • put in 10 times that effort to make it immensely strong

Personally, I would probably do something to better explain heat gain, because it seems moves give you heat even if you miss, it just starts dropping faster, but other than that, as long as you are hyper agressive (and good at the game), you will have close to max heat and therefore, close to max potential.

Although the nerfs every patch are still comical.

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Im thermophobic

im ilegphobic