..is kindness really kindness?

I’m going to use correct grammar in this post so that it can be easier to read, I know that’s pretty uncommon of me but whatever.

When I get bored, I do a lot of random things. Whether that be learning a random song on the clarinet, or drawing pictures of muffins, or whatever. However, this is probably the best kind of boredom, when it’s so immense that you literally don’t feel like doing anything and begin to question everything.

I was asked a question this morning; “What is the best way to show kindness and hospitality to strangers?”

My first response was, “I don’t think there is a ‘best’ way to be kind, and that as long as you do something for someone else that they appreciate, or put others before yourself, that makes you kind”

There was one time in the 7th grade, where we were given an assignment to show kindness to others. The first ones to finish their “kindness card” received an unknown reward. There were 9 squares, and each one of them said something different. Some said, “Give 5 people a high-five”, others said “Give 8 people compliments”.

At first, I was furious and perplexed by the assignment. Why would I do something kind for the sake of getting a reward? Was the point to give us a definition of what kindness is? Who are they to determine what makes someone kind? If I’m going to do something kind, I’m going to do it to be kind, not for a reward.

Honestly, the assignment gave unrealistic expectations, and showed the students that people would be given rewards for doing things that were kind. I simply do NOT believe that. Life is unfair, and as a freshman, I seriously doubt you’ll get a free cookie for giving a tip to that one lady at Starbucks.

As the day went by I continued to ponder what actually makes a kind person. I began to write my thoughts down. I will now show what I wrote:

"If I think of myself as kind, does that make me arrogant? That cannot be a good philosophy to have. Certainly there are people that know they are kind and that makes it okay for me to say I’m a kind person. But wouldn’t that depend from person to person, though? If I were to walk up to a person I did not know and tell them I was kind, then would they believe me? Perhaps I would need to tell them first of all the kind things I had done.

But in doing that, by giving descriptions of each and every kind action I have done, does that really make my kind actions pure? Am I really convincing them that I’m kind, or am I just convincing myself? In telling this person about my kindness, do they begin to see me as a good person, or do they view me as arrogant? Do I view myself as a good person by telling them this, or do I think of myself as arrogant? Am I obscuring a good person, a kind person, and kind actions? What’s the difference?"

By then it started becoming clear to me that kindness was much like beauty and intelligence in the sense that it is subjective rather than, well, you know, holding that door open for that old guy at McDonald’s.

"Is kindness an opinion? it’s only determined by one’s own moral compass, right? Does that make my view of kindness different from someone else’s? Should everyone’s view on kindness be the same? If I see kindness as a chore than anything else, something I’m expected by society to show, does that make me a bad person? If I only show kindness to have kindness received, are my intentions really genuine?

Writing this down makes me wonder how many people are actually “kind”. It makes me wonder how many people consider themselves kind, and if those people are viewed as arrogant. How many people actually mean the compliments they give? It’s not like I’ll know because I can’t read minds.

Re-reading my initial point in the beginning, I realize what I said simply isn’t true. I don’t think putting yourself before others makes you kind if you don’t believe that it does. I don’t even think people that are kind are actually kind, because kindness is subjective. To me, kindness is doing things for others that you WANT to do. Holding that door open because you WANT to. But is that what other people see kindness as?"

This is just my opinion though, if you survived the length of my post, feel free to tell me what you think about it.


I would describe kindness as wanting to do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return at any time wherever you are.

I sometimes ask myself if my parents are kind whenever they donate something. They always say that its important to be kind and give things to other people, but in reality they’re just done using the objects and want a way to get rid of it. Is that truly kindness if the only time you donate is when you have something you want to get rid of? Even though they’re donating it people in need instead of throwing the items away, I don’t personally think so.

I also find whenever classes do the ‘kind card’ thingy to be such a terrible idea since it gives kids who are always mean a chance to get rewarded and then return to their usual selves. I remember in 2nd Grade we did something similar to the card idea and this one kid would whisper inappropriate things into kid’s ears including me and for the times that the teacher wasn’t around he was free to do whatever but when he was “being kind” he would get rewarded. The best way to reward kids for kind acts is to reward them randomly when you see it and not in certain time frames.


tbh that’s substantially better than them knowing of a reward, but i still do not think rewards should be involved at all. the reward for kindness should be the fact that they did something kind.

i think the intentions of donating are different for everybody. some people see it as a way to get rid of their items, but others think of it more as “hey i have this thing that i don’t need anymore, i might as well give it to someone who needs it”.

it all depends on their intentions

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I like ya funny words magic man

The new forum trend

Pick a random subjective and abstract concept

Come up with an essay to say Omg this abstract concept is in fact abstract and subjective

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i wouldnt exactly call it a trend lmao

im just unbearably bored.

There are a shit ton of philosophy shitposts


for a kindness post that wasnt a very kind thing to say…

or was it?
:smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

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when the kind kindness is kind :flushed:


kindess is something any normal person can show as a form of respect, if you can’t show kindness to someone it’s either because

a. you’re an asshole
b. they’re an asshole

it’s not that hard to do nice things for people, and it’s by common your kindness will be appreciated which naturally, being appreciated is a nice and enjoyable feeling

best to show “kindness” (thank you, please, etc) and get in a habit of it in speech

doesn’t mean you need to actually mean it, just say it as it tends to make conversations more favorable

“kindness” as a concept is stupid as it can’t be quantified,
if someone tries to “quantify” it, then similarly to what @StarForDays said;

it loses any effective meaning as “kindness” since it detracts from the supposed meaning

showing “kindness” is really just a way to get on someone’s good side or to try to feel good about yourself by some silly abstract societal moral standard

you can use taunting in order to do the reverse as well,
in some games spamming “ez” while killing someone may make the person more likely to come back so you can trample them and steal whatever players drop

tl;dr use how you talk to manipulate people and don’t worry about silly abstract moral standards


There is no kindness in the world. Everyone is corrupt. Generosity is dead. :sob:


I wouldn’t know




Oh noes, philosophy!

Look, kindness is kindness. Your definition of kindness may vary, but as long as you made someone happy, I count that as kindness.

i disagree. there are certain things made specifically for this purpose that are against the law to use.

I wouldn’t go as far as @Dragon to say it’s stupid because it isn’t quantifiable, but it’s just a moral construct. It doesn’t exist anywhere else other than our minds, and is a feature that allows for peaceful co-existence. It can, however, be used to justify and describe the otherwise irrational self-detrimental actions that human beings can make, and is a pretty not-stupid label overall.

I would suggest not over-thinking it in this case. Kindness is a social tool that can be used to make people more open towards you. It’s in the same playing field as dressing nicely, being friendly, and other socially advantageous behaviors. Use too little of it, and people might have a negative perception of you before even talking to you. Too much of it, and natural skepticism might kick in, though you can use other social skills to stifle that reaction.

Your motives towards being kind do not matter as long as they are not revealed to others. If you feel bad about feeling some pride in your kindness, then don’t worry about it. It’s perfectly natural to be proud of being adept at something. Just don’t get overcome by it.

The arrogance in this instance would come from your pre-occupation with your status as kind in other people’s eyes, as though you feel that you are owed a positive reception due to the number of your good deeds. Not only does it seem desperate and arrogant, it leads people to question the sincerity of the good deeds you did.


I don’t necessarily fully agree with this, but thank you. Thank you for saying it. However in games it is more effective ad may not backfire as much as it could in real life, even though it can be used in places like school, certain types of jobs (Such as being an attorney, investigator, etc) too. That has to be noted.

Sometimes you don’t even need to have a motive. You can just be kind. Just that. It may simply be a part of your character and not an act to manipulate another’s perception of yourself, or used for some dark plot.

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