Is Noble Phantasm too toxic for WoM?

There’s literally footage of Noble Phantasm spawncamping this one guy.
And there’s the Noble Winning spam, which will likely appear on this post, that they use to aggravate anyone who opposes them.
Everyone brushes this stuff off as a joke, but I don’t think we should just simply ignore this. If we let Noble Phantasm rise to power, it’s going to go to their head. They’ll turn WoM into a toxic mess if nobody forces them to calm down.


It’s literally one guild out of the probably 100s created
You think they’re the only people who do/are going to do stuff like this ._.

And that makes the situation less threatening? At the very least Noble could get their act together and not be a part of the inevitable toxicity.

I’m specifically complaining about Noble Phantasm because they make themselves so well known due to the Noble Winning spam. Other guilds could definitely be doing this, but if Noble Phantasm can stop being toxic then so can the other guilds.

Just ignore guilds and play the game. You don’t have to pay attention to the retarded stuff people do. No matter what game you’re playing toxicity will arise. So what if it’s a known guild? It doesn’t really matter if it is known or unknown people will always do toxic things like this. I highly doubt Vetex cares about guilds being toxic in game.

There will never be a world without any toxicity in a game.

If life was that easy, we wouldn’t be dealing with a pandemic right now. I may not be in any guilds, but that doesn’t mean I won’t run into one.

It’s not that I don’t want WoM to be toxicity free, it’s that I don’t want WoM to turn into Rogue Lineage 2 with how toxic the community could be.

I HIGHLY doubt the community will get as toxic as the rouge community is/was.

And also is it really that hard to just ignore people when you’re playing the game? You don’t have to pay attention to what other people are doing. You can simply ignore it and be on your day. This is a video game not the real world so I don’t see how bringing up COVID-19 has anything to do with this…

This is where I would be ignorant and say Noble Winnin’ BUT

Realizing the magnitude of decent toxicity some people have been explaining about towards Noble, yes there’s toxicity, but no we usually brush it off afterwards as it is usually simply something to say after doing something. Noble is a fully autonomous guild, so if we were to have a reform or anything, that would have to be done by the members of Noble Inquisition and Noble Phantasm, and not Noble himself.

Dude just stop it, at least noble doesnt actually tax his guild like latom which forces its members to pay smoke arrows, often over 100 a week just to stay in a division

We get rid of heretics so idk why using that video as proof.

And by “heretics” you mean people like me who can’t take a “”“joke”"". If you’re going to spawncamp, don’t even bother making up horrible excuses like that.


you are taking things too seriously :nerd_face:

You are acting as if other guilds dont attack people who aren’t with them, we just do the exact same thing

Still can’t handle jokes? What a clown. Plus its a edited/recorded video of a game mod spawnkilling lmfao


The chances of this happening to you are VERY slim if you’re just playing the game regularly.

Although they’re probably a lot higher after making this post…


None of your business Versen, you weren’t in it anyways. Unless you want to be our huge clown mascot.

If it’s a joke, then it’s a very bad joke that’s for sure. Instead of making excuses like “haha joke XDDD” maybe look at yourself. This is a joke? Bro what the fuck you’re essentially ruining someone’s experience. That shouldn’t be a joke in any way shape or form and you know it.

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its only game, why do you haf to be mad

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pretty sure if they actually had a battle on equal terms they would have their asses handed to them. With any guild.

I should be mad if I can’t even play the game properly.