Is the trading exploit that lets someone drain your entire inventory back?


im really sorry for the low quality of the image, but one of the high ranks of a clan im in posted this screenshot saying that the trading exploit that lets players drain your entire inventory is back, and i just wanna confirm if its really true or just fake news because im scared of losing my stuff i worked quite hard for it

From what I can tell, it’s just fearmongering

maybe, but im not gonna fuck around and find out

I have been on AO for like 10 hours now and my inventory is fine I fell for the most likely fear mongering but I don’t think its back.

You can read about mimhere’s input on the matter

yeah I saw it since i made the post

no it isnt

wait i think i know the guy with the marksman pfp
the guy who says ‘a f*ck’ in the picture in the picture

Since nobody will read the solution anyways…

No: Roblox had a datastore issue and shat themselves for a day. Your items are fine.

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