Is there anything you don't like on arcane odyssey ( just asking

happy they got nerfed, getting a lucky shadow 4 blast and killing your opponent isnt skillful

can’t wait to wake up the next day and see that the topic now has a 100 replies, the topic is now closed and vetex as the last commenter because of this

No but it gives me heavy doubt in AO. Considering vetex’s reputation of abandoning games. No I do not care if he’s enjoying developing it right now. That doesn’t give me any more ease. It simply tells me he’s just having fun developing. Except. That’s what you should be doing anyways. If you aren’t having fun developing what reason would you have for it?

Clans shouldn’t need a positive outlook. The point of clans is to grow a group of peers and friends and war. Yet it doesn’t seem like vetex is gonna add a war mode anyways so what we have instead of ganking for infamy is just staying at an island and making sure nobody captures it. That’s not fixing the problem. That’s flawed design choice and bad game design.

Here’s the thing though. Im fine with that too. But theres problems with it

  1. This will completely fuck over guilds with low players and solo guilds. Allowing NONE of them to get to the top.

  2. There isn’t any other known method for infamy farming. “Name some the-“ Guild wars gamemode, Ship battles, Cargo delivery, Treasure hunting, bounty hunting, Assassinations, PvP quests, PvP missions, And simply getting infamy from killing people in your territory.

  3. People can still abuse this current system by having a shit load of alts in it.

Vetex didn’t fix the problem when he removed infamy. Now solo guilds can’t get on the leaderboard anymore.

Oh and vetex if you’re replying to this please take at least ONE of my infamy gain suggestions into note. AT LEAST ONE.

Alright come on, vetex had addressed this multiple times in the past 4 years, he has only abandoned one game in the past 5 years(adventure story) because arcane adventures was broken by roblox he didn’t want to recreate the entire game again, pirate party wasn’t supposed to be a primary game, it was just an experiment to see how it would go. The other games vetex abandoned were like OF and some one piece games he made back when he was 13-15, and he definitely didn’t want to go back and develop and fucking anime game or poorly coded games made when he wasn’t adept at developing


About to be damn near 5

AA was Broken 4 years ago.

AS got abandoned 2 years ago.

I’d be fine with this. If he wasn’t so reluctant to give extra information to the people who DID (AR). At least let the people who give enough of a shit to remake your game some tips or something. They’re going off the webcomic.

One piece games I don’t really care much about him getting rid of, but I never understood why even at the time not once did he ever try and give the gameplay concept away to someone else…

Sure there’s cubes of gods but that barely counts.

Bro they literally stole his work, they remade everything WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION. Would you not be somewhat angry? Yes they credited him but they never asked. Also I believe tech gave the devs a document to go off of, thats just a rumor I have heard.


He means willingly abandoned btw. And adventure story is supposed to get an update eventually.

The reason he abandoned as is because it didn’t have as large of a positive reaction from his community, that combined with its subpar code made vetex less interested in as and dropping it entirely, of course there were people who enjoyed it, but that’s why vetex said he might try to fix and continue it a bit more.


most of the story after the third sea probably wasn’t completely planned out, so he would basically have to think of everything for four seas worth of content in a game that he isn’t even working on

There was an entire arc in the fifth sea.
You also were meant to get your 3rd magic in the 4th sea.

If anything THE THIRD SEA wasn’t completely planned out. (Oh and maybe the 6th since apparently it’s just miles of nothing)

before i reply, i should probably ask; is the lore doc on the wom wiki still a good source? cause it’s the one i’ve been using, but it’s been around for a while so i’m not sure

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Of course it is. The lore got finished by vetex himself post woms creation. So it filled in on the other seas anyways

the document says it only lists major plot points tho, and stuff like averill’s and trigno’s quests seem like they could happen within only an island or two, and the only story mentioned for the fifth sea is training
doesn’t seem like enough for each sea to only have one quest


A few little details, one of them is for example that you won’t be able to use Jump Spells while in the air, wich will make getting high ground pretty hard

heavy slashes on weapons

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the idea that over half of the paths in the game aren’t even magic.
I mean cmon, this is arcane odyssey.

who about to look at the game for the first time with no prior knowledge and think
“I’d like some unarmed melee combat, arcane odyssey sounds like the perfect game for that.”
or “I’d bet arcane odyssey has some great gunplay”

one time in wom i told my friend i would maybe become a weapons main and he said “cmon this is world of magic not world of weapons”


This tbh I think AR’s infamy system is perfect it has both rking and island capturing so there are 2 ways. And gotta agree with the community thing

eh i still prefer not having infamy on kill
at least you arent completely fucked from just being in a clan. in wom, its like wearing a punch me shirt.

anyway, yeah, its hard to gain as much infamy as big clans if you have less members. it was still an issue before tho. if anything, you had a constant disadvantage by being the owner, since people get 5 infamy from killing you but you get 1 per kill. you could also abuse that by kicking members from your clan right before they die then invite them after

if infamy was only gained from island capture, it would be kinda boring. nothing that states it will be the only way, but, either way, its a huge step toward fixing the toxicity problem of the game


the game wasn’t even that toxic though, compare ar before it died to wom before infamy from everyone was removed