Is Thermo Fist even useable as of 1.16.7?

I haven’t touched it since before it got gutted, anyone think its still viable?

idk, didnt touch AO since sameria update

it’s definetly viable it just takes quite a bit more skill to keep heat up than before

yes it is useable its not buggy or broken i hope

Meh if u pvp just go size mage or warrior. Unless u want to sweat ur ass off to win every match which i dont mind. But i wouldnt reccommend it for most people

“be the reason the skill floor in this game is way too low”

PLEASE get into the habit of telling people to run whatever they want to run holy shit :sob:


eh… I suppose it is usable, doesn’t really mean it’s fun though

it’s pretty awkward feeling and last time I sparred using it I didn’t have an exactly great experience.

It’s pretty good, other options just outshine it.

nah balance team will reap what they sow

pretty good until u compare it to anything that isn’t savant LOL yeah pretty good very good prolly the best class idk i think AnUnoriginalUsername thinks thermo is pretty good but i could be wrong


Aren’t you the guy that makes like a post every DAY to complain about balance or the balance team

He is

the reason thermo gets outshined is cuz for some reason bteam thinks its fair that size scales more efficiently than attack speed by like over 2x so yeh u get mediocre speed and u get to fight everyone else who does 500 dmg nukes. @Meta I think we’ve reached an all time peak in PVP odyssey you guys probably like size or something idk, since meta really likes size its fair cuz that’s what meta likes and you know who cares about the viability of other classes you know? as long as my glorious @Meta is happy. He’s my sunshine truly lights up my bronze sea cuz he always makes the most fair decisions for the community :star_struck:

bro no i never complain I’m only a meat riding sheep like the rest of you I would never criticize the balance team they’re my everything :heart_hands:

Because speed startup reduction scales like this

I’m struggling to see where I meat ride, except if providing constructize critism without raging like a baby is meat riding to you?

couldn’t even use an accurate chart bro just say you like the current pvp :rofl:

This explains that

Speed startup is 1/1-x wich is what this chart is you actual clown