Is Thermo Fist even useable as of 1.16.7?

Yes, thermofist IS usable in 1.16.7, as a matter of fact its one of the better fighting styles in the game right now (apart from bugged ones). A lot of people (doomposters) think that once thermo is nerfed it will automatically revert to being one of the worst fighting styles in the game, when right now it is really smooth to play on warlord, zerker, and even warlock.

a bit glaze-y tbh as there’s definitely waaaay better but I guess thermo isn’t that bad

though I noticed that (on warlock at least), maintaining energy is such a pain in the arse because of how energy intensive it is to keep heat up

no, thermofist is one of the best in the game. aside from the bugs making sailorfist and iron leg much more appealing options, thermofist is still in a competitive state.

It’s only good if you have high atk speed (this applies to really anything though) or synergies but other than that it’s pretty mid

not bad, just… eh.

thats the point of the fighting style, to be fast. although attack speed is good on virtually any build some other builds benefit from other substats better, like iron leg for example. you could argue that iron leg is bad without high size aswell

iron leg is actually pretty solid all around you don’t need size really at all to use it

actually I’m fairly certain atk speed leg is probably better but I haven’t been able to test it out myself yet

not in comparison bro, a lot of people underestimate size ileg. slam, shot, and uppercut are really good techniques on size ileg that is better than atkspd