Is this new build solid?

i didn’t want to use monercis in place for candelrerias (idk how to spell it) cause iam a crystal conjurer and attack speed would be more important to me than agility. how good is this one ?

(i already have most of the expensive stuff needed)

Honestly, without agility this build is kinda ass
Agility goes HARD-er now

Anyways overall this build could be better tbh
and a re-work

Did you use a build generator for this? If so, could I get a link?

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would u suggest a mix and match between agl and attack speed or do i ditch attack speed entirely for agility ? (iam using agility rn anyways)

(gonna replace that candelria with a monerci in a sec)

ditch the attack speed. 9 is meaningless

yeah just waiting to get a morenci to do just that

0 agility this build is ass

And if it had agl in place of the attack speed ???

this is what i ended up with

Much more solid build now

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