It is my birthday

is gam out :monkey:

happy birthday typ

happy birthdaying !!

Happy birthday definitely-not-sandal

you’re on thin ice pal…

Happy birthday :partying_face:

Alr, I’ll admit it on your birthday

You’re okay

online validation



who is sanbal

He’s gone through quite a few names during his time here, with sandal being the one he used the longest. Was also known as Hectopropo, typicak, dual liquid, and many, may others.

mine was two days ago on the fifth

why are we even more similar

Sandal’s an easier name to remember ngl

Another year another adventure!

people say sandal was top tier but dubioustyp0 has a ring too it as well

go read Emily Dickinson’s “I’m Nobody! Who are you?”

happy birthday, Man of A Million Magics

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I’m using my birthday magic to play party music

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Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday!