It is my birthday

I refuse to believe you are my age

annyway happy birthday :partying_face: :partying_face:

Happy Birthday!

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I know the doctor said your condition was getting worse but it’s still so painful to watch you go through this :sob: :frcryin:


Happy Birthday!

I know :frcryin:

Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

I’m really tempted to close this thread


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the shorter the name, the more powerful the person who bears it

dont get me wrong, you probably dont want to get on the wrong side of, say, “TechLevel80” or “TheHeadlessHorseman”

but you for sure do not want to get on the wrong side of “liu”

happy birthday

Again birthday? ok wait my gift

Same thing applies to spell names

the throngler

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Happy birthday!