It's a bit odd that the statues are marked with WA instead of Y

Maybe I missed something in the lore… but its rather odd that the statue at Mount Seawatch and the one near ironport both appear to be from the war ages or at the very least are of individuals whom were.
Considering just how much stuff the world has gone through such as entire sections being effectively sent into nonexistense and the war ages being about 3 thousand years ago.
I find it quite hard to believe that they either survived that long or anyone who is currently alive knows much from back then. [ since even the oldest mages weren’t alive that far back in history and the gods are long dead ]
I’m likely overthinking here but it is a bit odd hmmm…

These sculptures are probably from a very very long time before the land of Magius sunk,and then peacekeeper came and rose the land back up and well,we get to see some ancient stuff.

Yeah i think the plot writing arent the best. Logically, its hard to believe those statues survive 3000 years. The plot unnecessarily use way too long of a time skip everytime, 100 years timeskip, 200, and even a 1000 years time skip. Not to mention that much thing are going on everytime such as war, many skirmish, durza thing, etc. Well, we can always explain such thing like this with the fact that its buried under the sea so it wouldnt be affected much by whats going on above, or just use the convenient explanation that after all, this is world of magic and everything is possible.

keep in mind theres still shipwrecks on magius that haven’t fully decayed, we can assume that things just don’t decay/erode that fast

magius used to be the seafloor, which means they could be impossibly ancient
they might not even be made of normal stone, which would explain why they don’t decay

also there is a handful of old curse users

I can’t leak what the statues say, but the people they mention aren’t lore figures from AA

we don’t know what “WA” means either way specifically, its obviously a dating system like “Y” but we don’t know when it started

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can’t say what, but it’s likely something very very ancient
considering how the peacekeeper raised magius from the sea floor, you’re bound to get some interesting sunken artifacts and evidence of old societies
sorta explains how we have random overgrown shipwrecks pinned upright in seemingly impossible places

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True they could be made out of some form of mana enhanced stone, the one at mt seawatch most certainly is

True i just can’t believe that they survived through all that but on the same token as you pointed out it is a world of magic so weird stuff does tend to happen.
& Yeah the time skips do feel a bit longer than needed

when you realize that you replied twice starting with the same thing…

I see what you mean damn. :ghost:

After rereading le arcane adventures webtoon I found one guy who fits the bill the most for the statue at ironport which is king Tyrun who was the guy with equinox magic, the reason I think it’s him is

  1. He was written about during the war ages.

  2. The statue near ironport has a beard, crown, and cape something that Tyrun has 1 for 1.

  3. It was stated he aged faster than normal which was said as a 1 off thing but if you check the statue it says WA 365-412 which is only a short time of 47 years.

That is all I can thing of and I might be wrong and also for you scholars of Magious I have some homework for you, in the arcane adventures webtoon Chapter Scourge there is a little piece of text that needs translating thank you.

Edit: Also it was written by a official artist at the request of Vetex so it is most likely cannon.

Well, let’s recall some of the more specific details of the lore. The Peacekeeper created Magius with their magic. If the statues/ancient text is from the War Ages, then that implies that the Peacekeeper used their magic to raise part of Magius from the sea. Not only that, but the risen parts are very very old. Given that we don’t know anything about the War Ages, I think that was a very clever detail on Vetex’s part to give us some more opportunities about the lore. Had it been from Years and not the War Ages, I think it would’ve been a little less exciting to translate them.

Small question but anyone know what the scrubbed out number on the statue at mount seawatch?

I still can’t say who it is but
its not tyrun

yea the translation says somebody else

heres the pic of the runes for the sake of this topic

that is terrible lighting
Annotation 2020-07-14 113556

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magius sunk? wat

isn’t magius just a huge ass tectonic plate that the peacekeeper lifted out of the ocean just so 99.99999% of the planets surface isn’t water?

I think WA means war ages. This isn’t a spoiler, this is something that everyone can find. It’s in the complete lore document. Supposedly, the war ages were before Brometheus blessed humans with magic, and as the name implies, were pretty chaotic.

hmmm interesting, whats the webtoon called?

oh you’re right didn’t notice