It's a bit odd that the statues are marked with WA instead of Y

yeah unfortunately as info about the war ages are well… almost nonexistent we can’t infer with much accuracy.
but i agree it’s highly unlikely those statues were built during the war ages as they likely didn’t call them that during that time period just as we didn’t call bc bc in our own history to my knowledge

ya’ll are forgetting that promethean flames probably were a thing at that time.


the promethean flame curse was only made after “Y” began, and even though prometheus had promethean flame,
they called “Y” the “discovery” of magic, meaning prometheus was probably just chillin in olympus prior to that

it says on the trello that the magic existed way before the gods

magic existed but humans weren’t really capable of using it

augmented magic (what we use) only started appearing around Y1000,
a thousand years after prometheus introduced soul magic,
and even soul magic was forgotten, and magic was just a legend for a while

yes magic existed, sure, but no one could use it except the gods

I thought the 1st-4th seas all still exist? Magius only took up the area of the 3 seas that were destroyed.

I think it took up 4 seas not sure

Can someone tell me if the ice on the statue at mount seawatch magic imbued or been under the sea too long that its all frozen.

it’s anyone’s guess honestly but it’s likely imbued with magic

The only seas that still exist are 1st,2nd,3rd and 6th seas. 4th,5th,7th sea were vaporized from durza’s attack.

i mean… the statues could probably be in the sea because of the sunken people. you know the people that have the sunken armor. or when durza exploded as a last resort when fighting theos the island that had the statues sunk.

Edit: the sunken ruins was in the 3rd sea so that disproves my point.

just saying more about the sunken since we were never able to go pass the 3rd sea because AA was abandoned. maybe there was more sunken ruins and the statues were there. i don’t know, but it’s interesting.

Hey bros i get that magius was part of the ocean floor, but wasnt part of the earth blown into space by durza and magius is the land beneath that, and therefore should be a clean piece of rock?

yeah most of magius should be just rock originally at least as after it was raised according to bits and pieces of lore that [ techlevel gave out? ] we know that it was modified by various magics to make it more livable.
which only makes the statues being marked with WA instead of Y all the more weird since it would imply that they aren’t from before the land was raised.

WA stands for War Ages, those statues are 3000+ years old, and with all the magic energy pollution going on the the sea it’s highly likely that they were preserved by magic, And all those old Curse users are from AA (Except the undead cursed Peacekeeper who is from before AA and was accidentally resurrected by Durza as the player in AA).

This isn’t a spoiler as all of this was found in public areas.

…uh… yeah… we mentioned that stuff… did you read all of it?

the statues being magically preserved makes hardly any sense unless they were made by gods,
as humans didn’t have magic until after the war ages

The current Magius could easily be part of old Magius as a continent was sunken before AA’s time, it was on the other side of the 7 seas and was unknown to everyone except for some people in the 6th sea who had journey from Magius to the 7 seas a while back. According to Lore when Durza and Undead Zeus were defeated by The Peacekeeper all of the seas that weren’t destroyed also started to sink into the seas, which is why Savarian, Doomarians and Skylians have arrived on Magius.

if memory doesn’t fail me, magius was just a normal piece of land that sank when durza fought theos

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The description of the Promethean Flame says it’s an ancient magic that existed before earth was created so magic existed though (like in the current year) it could only be bestowed upon someone, and someone evil couldn’t get their hand on it unless they had the Absorption curse, one of the more recent curses created, as such magic did exist though it’s existence was not common-place knowledge.