It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

Yeah staff isnt bad but with 0 size, lower tiers (knight), and tempered, i cant even rely on its impact aoe ever.

I have many clips of me beating turret mages and sometimes im a turret warrior/knight :skull:
DM me on discord at hillyplumboi if u want me to send clips or just look up nurafstafari on medal. I would say my clips are pretty unique for a weapon user.

I expected better from Archrono… presumably you are 18+ since you are making money off youtube… resorting to childish name calling on a discussion thread for what, 50 replies is pretty unbecoming of a persons reputation.

Just my 2 cents

I mean he started the post with a blanket insult towards everybody that doesn’t actively practice AO’s PvP, what’d you expect?

(also he participates actively in AO’s PvP to begin with, I wish I could say that wasn’t a red flag but we all know it is)

people keep whining about the meta, shadow is trash but thermo is still cracked
i think we should buff shadow and nerf thermo



At least spell it right ffs
If you actually read the thread you would see why I even devolved to that
Also, I’m nowhere near 18, I’m a 15 year old

@TheoreticalExistence clearly you lack reading comprehension skills and/or are baiting

To be fair, raptorcaptain/nerf shadow mage is already an incredibly good pvper

If you didn’t expect this response, why did you go on for like 11 lines about how people keep complaining about the meta and how they suck in the very first post?

I have no expectations for active PvPers in this game, long since given up on that front.
Maybe if I started meeting some that weren’t condescending assholes my opinion might change.
Too bad that has happened less than 5 times in over 300 hours of my time ingame over the last 4 years within the atleast 100 I’ve had the misfortune of meeting.
You are most definitely not an exception.

Not reading allat

I just wish AO pvp wasn’t so heavy on stats then maybe I’d give it a better go but I’m too lazy to grind for allat gear :sob:

I just run armorless with my friends

i’m sorry i just had to

Yeah that is my bad

I did, in fact read it.
All I see is you and dubious having a heated argument, which then turned into name-calling.

Case in point.

I am not a asshole :C

You also don’t make PvP your entire personality.

Well yeah I have real life stuff that I actually have to do.

0 actual contributions to this topic so far, congrats :clap:
nobody forced u to pvp bro, stop complaining about a feature you don’t partake in

wow the divide between pvp and pve players really is absolutely gargantuan