It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

I am forced to partake in PvP when I play this game.
People don’t really give me a choice in the matter.

I called you a condescending asshole and you responded by being a condescending asshole.
Congrats on solidifying the impression I was getting of you.

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Also yes it is horribly unhealthy for the game, I’ve never seen such a massive divide.
The PvE gameplay and the PvP gameplay is so vastly different its like trying to play two entire different games.

PvE players often times hate PvP players because PvP players have the unique ability of forcing PvE players to play their game instead (and are typically massive assholes about it).

PvP players often times hate PvE players because they find it amusing to piss them off, knowing there is usually little to nothing they can do about it and equally knowing that their target knows there is usually little to nothing they can do about it.

This is not ok!
It especially doesn’t help that the PvP is unintuitive and borderline impossible to learn without dedicating a metric shitton of time to it that many people quite simply do not have.

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can I have a Tl;Dr please I ain’t readin this argument what’s it about

Its about uh the uh uhm…

It’s about children killing other children in an online lego game (PvP), then some of the children who get killed in said video game start lashing out (PvE). Then the PvP children start lashing out and things escalate really fast from there.

Me personally I like to be neutral but I think the PvP children’s side is making their case somewhat better than the PvE Players (going onto a PvP post calling it bait, bad arguments, etc, etc)

Although to be honest everyone here is literally a jit so this kind of fighting should be expected. I mean Archcrono literally said he was 15 so I think that everyone arguing with him is around his age or younger. Don’t take my word for it though that’s just my opinion.

Its just a bunch of people who make pvp their whole personality fighting over shit that does not need to be argued about. Its a roblox game a platform primarily made for children and people are arguing about combat in it.


Exactly lol

If they want to be obnoxious so bad then they should go into the ACTUAL Fighting game community and see how cancerous it gets.

P.S There’s a scary amount of people who act like LowTierGod.

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Not true - gankers will gank you and you can’t do anything about it, unless you play below level 50 or don’t play the game at all.

By ganking you, they are actively forcing you to take part in PvP, unless they expect you to just… not fight back?

now this is bias. I agree with pve players having to be forced into a pvp scenario they dont want to be in. but alot of pvp players i see ingame don’t randomly attack others to simply piss them off, usually done for bounty hunting, cargo snatching, etc.

PvP players are occasionally disgruntled with PvE players mostly on forums because sometimes we see a post that says that a disable PvP mechanic which is said in good faith but with how it would work in game, would shaft the PvP activities that people enjoy as listed above.

its worse this sums it up:

This is next level yap :fire:

I meant for fun not this

this whole game (especially the dark sea) takes a metric shit ton of time, don’t shit on how I spend mine

It’s not as if pvp players don’t have to pve ever, we actually do the same amount of pveing as everyone else. This isn’t a black and white argument, as many of the forum pve yappers would like to believe, PvP players just happen to enjoy doing something in the game that isn’t doing dark sea runs or progressing 500 slots (even though we often do anyway to try out different builds.

As much as you would like to believe, NO, we’re not all random killers who jump ever for the fun of it. I only even enjoy bounty hunting when my target is actually competent at fighting back, which is how bounty hunting should work in this game.
While I’m not justifying it, killing someone for cargo is barely even a “random” kill if you actually plan to steal the cargo and sell it.

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No, it isn’t bias, there is literally no tangible benefit from bounty hunting and snatching cargo is absolutely worthless 9/10 times it happens. When it does have value worth stealing, it makes them look even worse. (99% of noble drama who also do what they do solely to be assholes)

If they were doing it for ANY other reason, they would need a plausible reason.

If they weren’t doing it solely to be assholes they wouldn’t go around jumping people with barely 10k bounty with like 2 regular cargo crates on their ship.

If this were true, every PvE focused player in this game wouldn’t feel the need to server hop the second they see somebody with more than 500 kills.

But there is?. Attaining unique grand navy and assassin syndicate ranks on the leaderboard get unobtainable drip + a unique title with logo next to ur name to let everyone in the server know that you reached a leaderboard milestone. Not ur shtick, neither is it mine but that doesn’t mean other people won’t find value in that. As for cargo stealing they’d make a shit ton of galleons depending on how much they plundered.

the way you wrote this whole thing is bias. You make it out to be that PvP players are the villains, PvE players are the victims when in reality its just two different choices of gameplay inevitably clashing against each other. PvP players don’t go out of their way to piss people off. When it is bounty hunting, its never made to be personal unless both parties choose to escalate it to that level. At the end of it, the bounty hunter just wants a higher number under their name, nothing more

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whatever people are getting from cargo stealing, I could double it in a fraction of the time by selling a small fraction of the worthless items in their inventory.

also since when do people genuinely value galleons and why?

I wrote it by my personal experience.

This is my entire experience with PvP focused player in this game, I’ve no reason to pretend they’re fun to be around or enjoyable people in the slightest.

yeah you’re right, that is a really good way to make galleons. i think i sold all the worthless junk in my inventory and made 60k at one point. But there are some gnoblins that’d do both to make even more

this is not to mention that cargo stealing has the potential to be harder and more tedious with no additional rewards from just doing it yourself.

If you sink a ship with cargo, you still have to put each and every individual crate on your ship, except now you have to do it with a despawn timer breathing down your neck in the water.

Hey, fair enough. I have no reason to doubt that experience, but you can’t just go off and start badmouthing them.