It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

At no point in arcane odyssey’s history have galleons not been valued, they’re used for practically everything

lol what? No way you’re shivering your timbers that hard if a PvP player appears. 9 times out of 10 you don’t have nearly enough renown for them to even glance at your poster.

Like I said before, not EVERY pvper acts like this, you’re making silly generalizations. Yes, it does happen, but not nearly as often as you’re making it out to be.

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This is an issue that I see every single time I go ingame, usually multiple times.

They’re an infinitely renewable currency on the market in the tens of millions when you only need a couple thousand.
They’re so violently inflated that they have no reason to hold value.

After reading this thread I wish I had the indecency to mute everyone involved here for a few weeks

Intelligence is telling people to ‘just get better’ while acknowledging the disparities in build skill requirements; ‘yes a strict meta does exist but if you get really really go-‘ f-ck off bro lmao


tf is this topic idek what to post :sob:

I love pvp and hunting, but I generally keep rules to myself such as

  • No hunting chill fishermen (unless they’re annoying or macroing)
  • NO sinking ships with stuff on them, like ganking people who are doing cargo or dark sea as I have personal experiences on how frustrating your ship sinking in that situation can be

Some of these I kinda stretch sometimes like hunting afk players or not dependent to my mood and stuff, or if I’m desperate for a good hunt after a few losses

Go ahead and lock it before I actually lose it replying to theoretical’s obvious bias

I think around 97% of pvpers do this

please close this topic dawg its too full of negativity and i think these people might go too far

no point in restating what I’ve already said

Do it! Cmon!

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not reading the yap session

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