It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

a build like that will have you constantly take insanity 4 damage since ur warding doesn’t fully negate it :fr:
also theurgist set + insanity isn’t even as stat effective as just having a regular boss drop

mild tweak

man I just love fighting agility attack speed demons bro

it’s just so much fun ong :hugs:

become one

if you can’t beat em, join em :person_shrugging:

hard to win but it doesnt sound impossible at all. Keep distance and fire projectiles/punish.

kid named 676+ damage blast:

kid named 500+ damage beam:

yeah, that’s why you keep the distance

the entire point of mage is to literally zone you so keeping distance is actually helping them :sob:

except metal and magma are super slow magics so they need to get closer to you anyway if they want to land hits. A blast would never hit you if you keep a distance that lets you comfortably get hits in whilst denying the chance for them to do the same.

Infact, i don’t see alot of metal magma mages use blast, they mostly use self explosions, placed explosions, pulsar and the sort of stuff that best utilizes their higher aoe stat. Sure maybe they do use beam because its pretty much instantaneous but how often they land it is dependent on how skilled the player is.

I am not arguing that it isn’t an insanely busted build. It is, but that doesn’t make it outright impossible to beat.

it’s just the fact I’ve literally never seen anyone beat a build like that, or at least beaten someone who’s actually “skilled” at using glass cannon magma/metal vice versa

I mean logically if we put 2 people in a room of equal skill and gave 1 of them a decent build and the other the magmetal mage, it wouldn’t take much thought to realize magmetal wins

throwing my two cents in as someone who spent a lot of time pvping a metal/lightning mage on “off-meta” files (post-nimbus)

It’s an extremely strong build as mentioned, but there’s also a disconnect between pvp in elysium and in world when it comes to size builds because in elysium, you usually have space to distance yourself, in world you don’t always. If you’re fighting in munera, you actually just can’t avoid the aoe of a shockwave self explosion with the current substat bloat.

In regards to the original topic,

while you don’t need to run a meta build, it really does help, it’s genuinely way easier to win a fight. On the other hand, I actually 100% agree with playing a build you like rather than one that is meta, because you’ll do much better if you enjoy the build’s gameplay.

i agree. Magma aoe mage jumping you on sandfall isle (hot temperature island) is toaster bath time moment.

honestly if you win without using what you like is it even a win


nah man as much as i wish u were fully right size warriors and turret shadow mages are most unfair things to fight, i agree most people are have a skill issue but bassically having a DoT of 250 dmg or being hit from the other said of ravenna isnt fair

How do you grind the dark sea and still have a build this bad :sob:

Nowhere close to taunting. I was simply summing up the entire post into an easily digestible format since you didn’t understand earlier. You haven’t even tried to get better yet, and are still blaming the meta, which completely contradicts the whole point of the topic. Kinda makes me wonder why you said anything in the first place.

And on your previous attack at my character, which is quite clearly an ad hominem as you didn’t say anything of meaning except blah blah you must suck because you make videos, not the smartest thing you could’ve said.

And on the nerd emoji reactions, I was simply responding like a brainlet since you replied like one.

Now if you don’t have anything of meaning to reply to this, please kindly exit the topic as you should’ve a long time ago.

I agree with this, I’ve never said meta builds don’t make the game easier, it does, but the main point of the post is that most people aren’t already good at PvP and complaining about the meta, when it should be the other way around.

glass cannon aoe mages get shredded in this meta ur complaining about the wrong thing :sob:

87 new replies, i cant wait to read all this positive and civil discussion :innocent: