It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

That makes sense, if the metal beam is being used on 2x setting. Magma acid achieves the same effect though. I still think magma is equal to or even better than metal is in terms of stats, but I guess it’s better to agree to disagree. Any more and I wouldn’t be much better than Archrono.

This one’s sanity has already crumbled.

gank won :sunglasses:

:point_up: :nerd_face:

:point_up: :nerd_face:

you know on second thought I can see why magma would be pretty annoying to deal with

and you did say earlier with high size both of them are literally the same thing

personally I still kinda find metal slightly worse because with metal it creates these HUGE blocks from shockwave explosions that often trap me and it’s honestly more annoying of an area denial skill than magma puddles are but eh

gank won :person_shrugging:

Arcane Odyssey: We argue about the combat in a lego game

I’m going to ignore the slight diss thrown at me but whatever
I honestly think magma is worse than metal purely because of the particle effects

i dont like people who dont want to improve is all

I getcha

You’re getting on Dubious’ level by hurling insults back at him. At least by my standards, even though I’m just a little older than 13, that’s a horrible way to settle a disagreement. If both sides start arguing, it’ll only get worse- and now NEITHER side wants to agree with each other. It becomes unpleasant, and then it becomes pointless.

It seems immature to me, I guess.)

I’m on that art grind bro I don’t got time for silly odyssey and 676 damage magma fart anus blast wizard build

I can now see there wasn’t going to be any settling to begin with, because very clearly dubious is incredibly immature and blockheaded. He enter the topic with a mind already closed, (very obviously since he thought it was bait), and then backpedaled incredibly quickly after I realized he didn’t have any basis for his argument in the first place, and was simply speaking off of prior bad experiences, irrespective of what’s actually true. I have quite a bit of free time, so I actually felt like responding.

Also, by the way, being silent while someone is attacking your character just makes you look like a pushover.

…And your response to that is to lower yourself and do the same?

Being able to take an insult and not have to say anything back doesn’t make you a pushover, it makes you the better person. Yeah, there are points where just taking it isn’t the right thing to do, but in this situation, did you really have to retort with " :nerd_face: "? You could have made yourself seem more mature(which you’ve proven yourself to be with this response that I’m replying to right now) instead of just dumbing down like Dubious was.
Now look at what you’ve done. I guess if you think about it, the topic was never really civil. Nobody took it seriously from the beginning, anyway. But this just made things worse.

For example, here.

I don’t know about you, but you didn’t even really try to defend your character here. He’s calling you a no life and is undervaluing what you (presumably) do for a living, and all you have in response is to insult his intelligence?

You could have tried to maybe explain how ignorant it is to say that you’re better than someone else simply because of what the do for a living. Maybe talk about how people make money from their passions every day, no matter how stupid that passion is?

You’re smarter than I am. I don’t know what ad hominem means either. So what I’m trying to say is you can be better than this. Or maybe I’m just taking things too seriously.

it’s a fallacy in which you attack someone personally in an argument rather than rebute with any actual substance that relates to the argument.

then again, the slander I said was towards something that didn’t literally mean anything (“be bitter or be better” can also be viewed as taunting) so I don’t know exactly if what I did was genuinely ad hominem or not.


have u tried getting better instead of coping behind balancing?
u know, like the post said?


and then I realized this game sucks and I can’t be bothered anymore because I just kept getting bodied by some min-maxxed tryhard warrior or something with a build that resembles whatever the sam hell this is:
(more agility = more accurate im ngl)
(oh yea also remove some insanity and put in defense for like 500 defense and we have basically the average dark sea grind demon)

that build isn’t even good

this literally just proves my argument even more if a build like that (which is already braindead enough) isn’t even considered the absolute “peak” of buildmaking.