J-68 Fauna 1

Planet J-68 (otherwise known as Ellipse by the residents) is Emily and Iggie’s home planet. The planet holds an abundance of strange life, most of which is from planet A-1. Most life tends to morph into a mixture of two animals.

One creature, which many scholars have pondered over, is the bumblefloof. A mix between a sheep and a bumblebee.

Art by: @Glopol. I colored it in.

Disposition: These creatures are docile and run away when attacked or threatened. Bumblefloofs seem to have an innate fear of flying insects. Flies, gnats, and even fleas send these creatures running. Their cotton is to thick for a flea to reach their skin and flies can’t do anything towards them. The mystery still bafles scientists.

Diet: Bumblefloofs eat a variety of grasses, ferns, and berries. They seem unaffected after consuming poisons or other toxins.

Unique Properties: What makes them truly unique is their ability to fly and their blue colored wool. Scholars and scientists alike can’t explain how they fly and their cottony fluff seems impervious to harm. Magic blasts can’t touch it and the bumblefloof is at most stunned after these experiments. Shearing one of these sheep is a feat nigh impossible. For the wool that has been sheared successfully many strong mages and knights use it in armor.

Habitat: Bumblefloofs can be found grazing in grasslands and on the edge of forests. some farmers have gone as far as to keep them in pens. Even though they can fly its at most a meter off the ground.

Lifespan: Bumblefloofs can live up to a ripe old age of 25 and the oldest recorded at 32. When a bumblefloof dies it seems to lay down as if to sleep and then the earth erupts and the bumblefloof is gone. In its place is a baby bumblefloof.


Epic :sunglasses:

I don’t know why I made this creature up.

Zapols when

Explain what two animals make a Zapols

Lion and lighting