Joining the Bronze Sea... Is a problem!

I dont think this is a serious matter, as me personally I think it’s REALLLLLY funny… But… Why does spawning in the bronze sea (No story spawns, coming from nimbus or joining from serverlists) have like… EVERY OUTCOME… Except spawning normally? :joy:

It was very funny at first but i’ve joined… SIX bronze sea servers, and I havent spawned because:

  • Getting stuck in the heavens
  • Soaring into the 6th range of the Dark Sea
  • Soaring into the far reaches
  • My ship converting into the 4th dimension, flinging itself and me
  • My ship just… not… spawning…

I know this has happend for a lot but it’s a little insane, is there any way to prevent this? Its funny being launched or stuck for the first 3 times but this is getting out of hand! Or is this just how it is now… Feel free to share your experiences if ya got any…


The last four have all happened to me… once when i spawned, the ship flinged itself farther away and when i reached it and took command, it happened again and then twice more…

Yeahhhh… Its weird, sometimes ill spawn in and im just in the dark sea… Like… Darn.

Yeah… twice i spawned in the 6th range and died

my favorite one is when my ship spawns, but it is completely nonfunctional. resetting to despawn doesnt work either, you literally cannot do anyhting but rejoin

I forgot about that one, wasnt it patched like 5 months ago?!

no… that also happened with me

There was this funny ship flinging bug happened during one of my ganking

This one dude was in Ravenna so I reset my character since I set my spawn to my brig while using my friend 134 speed brig

Funnily enough it somehow teleported both me and my ship to around Othrys, that’s when the flinging happned and my brig blitzed to midway Ravenna-Shell and rammed into one of the fodders brig

Gank won btw, watch yourself Moonlight Owls

hah, that’s all? I’ve had the ocean and my brig not load, which lead to a death. Then I got flung to insanity death.

We really SHOULD be able to spawn at like ravenna or windrow, make the border spawns only if you’re crossing them!


Skyship technology!

Long ago before the brig existed, I had a lovevly ketch full of sealies, picked up a sealed chests and the ship decided to take a blitz into calvus’ throne room

Maybe we could… Spawn… At… Redwake…!

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How do I replicated this?

hmmmm…that’s odd, i usually spawn normally with my Brig intact, i must be lucky or something.

spawning in the far reaches… again

none of these happened to me even at the start of the easter update

lol this is true

ever since the nimbus update, i have never once spawned correctly when joining the bronze sea

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You probably commited a sin or just did something very bad and you got sent to the arcane oddysey heaven