I Have Revolutionized War Seas Travel: The Sky Brig

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you must tell us how, what new invention did you find

I’m not completely sure how. I might try to see if I can make it happen again, then just sail around the dark sea

a new invention in the making:

I found how to make it first you must do the skyhall quest where the npc tells you to sink 10 ships in the sea to prove that you are racist then get 10 cloud extracts and give it to him and boom you get the sky brig


warmwater help me

I don’t know whats happening nobody is looking at my suggestor request and I just want to get my ideas out what do I do I sent the request a month ago ;-;

Nah, the Skylian method of flight requires frankly shitty ideas, like having to absorb clouds to keep your ship afloat. Here at W.W Co, we don’t deal with stupid concepts like limited resources, we spite the universe with flight and we’ll never stop flying.

Vetex also confirmed that the new stat exclusive gear (Racism set) (Segregation set) (Poor racism amulet) now scales off you racism stat and can be obtained from skyhall only

at W.W Co, we strive to provide race-tolerant solutions to problems such as Safety Of The Seas, Cargo Shipment and Entertainment.

please respondany suggestors out there (sorry to get on your post warmwater)

please vacate W.W Co premises, trespasser.

aw man ;-;

send any ideas to me or my thread for them in case you wanna i can review and possibly send for you

huh? you don’t want to get bombarded with 230 slides-worth of ideas, do you…?

give me your best ones!

okey dokey… I might just give you the whole slideshow
later today mabye