This is a follow up to this: How do you hope Nimbus goes?
So there was this NPC in Ravenna called Ingvild and they’re from Jotunnheim, the land of the giants. We’re definitely going there. I mean, Redwake is very viking, and we heard about Wotan(I think, correct me if I’m wrong) who is also a viking.
We’ve seen an actual giant skeleton in Frostmill. It’s pretty obvious(to me) that we’ll fight giants. If we fight huge sea monsters, why can’t we fight Shaq? Anyways, I don’t really have any ideas for the sea like my Nimbus hopes, so you guys can leave your hopes down there.
Man, why is there so much lore hiding in completely random NPCs that I’ve missed? It’s a pretty great way to encourage talking to them, though, but I’m so used to civilian NPCs in games saying nothing more than irrelevant nonsense.
I don’t really delve into Roblox events so idk if valk helms are an easter thing, but since Valkyries are norse myth. As for the event date, i don’t know either I just heard it was going to release on easter
I’m going to be completely honest, I absolutely hate the blue valk.
Every single person I’ve met on roblox who uses that hat is either some narcissistic elitist asshole or is legit disgustingly vulgar with zero moral code.
I’ve seen everything from trolls who wear it to just be kinda annoying all the way to openly homophobic racist psychopaths.