Jotunnheim hopes

This is a follow up to this: How do you hope Nimbus goes?
So there was this NPC in Ravenna called Ingvild and they’re from Jotunnheim, the land of the giants. We’re definitely going there. I mean, Redwake is very viking, and we heard about Wotan(I think, correct me if I’m wrong) who is also a viking.

We’ve seen an actual giant skeleton in Frostmill. It’s pretty obvious(to me) that we’ll fight giants. If we fight huge sea monsters, why can’t we fight Shaq? Anyways, I don’t really have any ideas for the sea like my Nimbus hopes, so you guys can leave your hopes down there.

some pics:

The last one really solidifies that we’ll go there to me


Wonder how Norse myth will apply here :face_with_monocle:

There’s literally an Order of the Aesir, so yeh.

we are gonna fight big people yay

(they’re gonna be all warlords just watch)

I just hope it’s like a bigger and inhabited whitesummit that’s just mount othyrs + sized with cool tundras and hills n shit

Since there’s a Valkyrie helmet coming tomorrow(for me) you think there’ll be some extra jotunnheim things?

the easter event has not been confirmed for any date, and valkyrie helms have nothing to do with norse on roblox

Man, why is there so much lore hiding in completely random NPCs that I’ve missed? It’s a pretty great way to encourage talking to them, though, but I’m so used to civilian NPCs in games saying nothing more than irrelevant nonsense.

I don’t really delve into Roblox events so idk if valk helms are an easter thing, but since Valkyries are norse myth. As for the event date, i don’t know either I just heard it was going to release on easter

nope valk helms for roblox are more of roblox economy thing w/ limiteds


given the description it does but w/ roblox being put into context it sorta mellows it’s relation out.

since as mentioned above, it’s meant for more roblox economy stuff ppl don’t value the fact it’s norse but rather its design and value

Well, I still think Vetex could implement some norse stuff since Order of the Aesir

I’m going to be completely honest, I absolutely hate the blue valk.

Every single person I’ve met on roblox who uses that hat is either some narcissistic elitist asshole or is legit disgustingly vulgar with zero moral code.

I’ve seen everything from trolls who wear it to just be kinda annoying all the way to openly homophobic racist psychopaths.

that hat is evil, you can’t tell me otherwise.

I was about to post this but I guess you already beat me to it.

I’m gonna assume that Wotan (and his sons) will be giants, which would be cool asf not gonna lie

Hopefully we get to fight some or atleast one of them eventually


I hope we get to fight giants with melee, I want to melee them so badly in glorious battle.

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