Just put literally any idea here

Technology magic epic magic

yup, i agree now

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Paladin is magic/vitality so I felt it would make sense if it did things via magic.

Also for the fire thing wood does 25% less and water does 30% more

Plus the abilities of some hybrid stat builds are of both things, such as warlock being able to put magic in fighting styles or warlord being able to put fighting styles in weapons

funni magic gear go brrr


Cool idea! I think synergies would be with lightning and/or metal magic

Maybe others too

a final attack that takes your armor away and puts like an iron man suit

like a mode spell?

Ye, but the more time you use it the more magic energy it takes, also a long cooldown

so basically it creates a super strong gear armor around you

yep something like this, with a steampunk style


depending on guild infamy scaring villagers and getting their shit for free

oh hell yeah

and there should be like some spinning gears on it just to fit the theme

i agree it would look sick

Sounds like you’re making it more of an AA style magic than a AO style magic

idk lol

Not saying it’s bad, in fact it’s pretty cool

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here is an idea

you should bake a cake


idk you said give any idea

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