L1's full lore, i think

I wanna see if someone can go look for the marks in game

ight if it’s too easy tell me how to use these directions:
The mark at the south of the point
Find the middle of each mark
From the mark, proceed to 8 o’clock for the next mark
Look around you and find a sign
Go to the direction from the mark you are on to the point

ngl i was always dogshit at riddles

South, find the middle of the mark, go in the direction of where the clock arrow would be on 8 o clock, look around, the last I don’t know

I mean to easy to find everyone out

Liking whoever gets it right?


It’s like he’s patting you on the back for you guys getting it right

I don’t think it’s supposed to be super hard like most well thought out ARG’s

Imagine he made these posts but never interacted with the community

Oh lord jesus

So wait, why did L1 creepily say the names of every damn TL3 then?
Why does he have a hitlist on us?

well yea he might’ve, three out of the five parts are completely inactive rn

not all of them, just people he doesn’t necessarily like

still crying to sleep because L1 doesn’t like me

I think that’s why they were chosen as parts


oh f u c k
I don’t get why he hates me
hell now im kinda fucking scared it really is a hitlist

same here bro

well uh canonically he takes over the world.

That’s if we get his parts back together?

Eh depends.

Anyways i put the parts into one big gm, let’s see how this rolls out

i will bring him back to together to punch him

We already made a dm to try and put us back together with L1