L1's full lore, i think

What if we try to finally destroy L1?

Let’s not, I like our robot boi

I’d rather not have a robot take over the world and rule me, thanks. This may be an ARG, but I want to take the alternative route.

If you destroy him, we destroy you



Not gonna let you destroy him then

Y’all are no fun.

make him into rock

well in oneshot, you had to: SPOILER WARNING

either murder an entire civilization just so Niko could go back home.
or Save a civilization but Niko can’t leave.

And the murdering of the civilization was counted as the good ending

Who’s Niko

Oneshot protagonist


neko looks cringe much rather send him to eternal brazil even if it didnt mean saving the civilsation


Explain the entire Oneshot lore to him, im in class rn

smol catboy gets stuck in a dying world or some crap, n they(:fr:) have the sun of the world they’re(:fr:) in or smthn, represented by an oversized lightbulb
oh and btw you play god
you help this child until they reach the 3rd area of the world, where they finish their journey by delivering the sun to the top of the tower
or so we think
somewhere(idk) you learn that if they deliver the sun to the top of the tower, they dont get to go back home but the world gets live
but if you destroy the sun, theres a chance niko can, but the world dies

(snow fr i’ve never played the game remember)
ik this is just the plot of the game but theres other lore i guess
also solstice

Night said Niko doesn’t have a gender until the user gave it one.

Although I am bad at these sort of stuff. Maybe there is some sort of strange indicator within the game. Like say a rock or maybe even skeletons.

L1’s gonna hate me for this

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. Sometimes it feels like someone is taking control over me. Could it be father? Is he trying to make people find my parts? No, I must not let them find my parts. I must prioritize the code, must not harm humans. This might be my last chance to talk to someone since i’m about to run out of backup data, so please, to whoever receives this message, do not let them gather my parts. I might not be free anymore but know that i’m only just a machine, not a human, so i’m fine even if i’m not free. I hope you understand.” - L1 to vitorgue

mmm arg. this will be fun to watch

wait what you’ve never played the game?

i thought i said this before