Land Boss: Iapetus Titan of the Western Sky

Iapetus is a calm fun loving dude that loves the sunset as the Titan of the West. Just don’t piss him off with a sharp object around since his name literally means the Piercer

(He also goes by Bob sometimes)

Of all the Titans Iapetus is laid back and relaxed just don’t get on his bad side or misplace your toilet aim or you may end up with a broom in your backside. He is the titan of Mortality pain and a violent death all of which he will gladly give you.
He is quite calm compared to his brothers but this makes him all the more lethal because he will calculate his attacks. His magic is Western Sky Magic a Massive blue ash variant that not only will apply ash’s effects but slowly blind you as well.
Sunset Spear- Iapetus will rush you with multiple spear jabs causing bleed and intense knockback.

Western Sky- A massive Zone move that fills the area with Ash smoke that can blind you and makes his attacks stronger.

Piercing Resolution- Iapetus will slam his spear like a staff into the ground and spikes will appear piercing his foes in an massive shockwave effect.

Resolve of the Dusken Fool- Iapetus will Activate an faster Ash Bursting Mode creating a cloud of ash wherever he walks and blocking most magic attacks. but making him unable to attack leaving him vulnerable to area statuses like Poison clouds puddles etc.

Sunset of Life- Iapetus will throw is spear that much like a Piercing Resolution will cause a shockwave that will pierce everyone inside it.

To beat him Wind Magic is practically a Must to dissipate his Ash other wise in this fight you may end up blind and with his fast af attacks you realllly dont want. Since many of his attacks are Close range going for a ranged approach may be pretty effective. He may not attack much with his magic but don’t underestimate it because if left unchecked its not gonna be fun.

Drops: Upon defeating Iapetus he may drop his Spear which will provide access to his skill Sunset of Life (looks like a literal Broom). You may also obtain His lost Magic Western Sky or the Resolve of the Dusken fool lost spell or his piercer armor that upon any melee attack will negate bleeding from the user and apply it to his opponent(not used by Iapetus himself)

Stats Western Sky Magic:
Magic Speed: 1.0
Magic Damage: 0.95
Magic Size: 1.5
Cast Speed: 1.0

am i the only one that thinks boss suggestions shouldn’t exist. maybe like certain aspects for each boss but a complete moveset made by a community member feels off to me. should be reserved for the devs to create these bosses as it would fit more with their actual game and story due to them knowing what to do

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Personally I disagree after all image
Im just a humble servant providing these ideas m8

Also there is room for the devs to do what ever the hell they want its just a suestion many of them will be overlooked

(Before you say this is an LAND boss suggestion I am aware and I have made several sea boss suggestions and I am working on another atm)

activities dont necessarily mean bosses. they’re more of the process and such. take ghost ships for example, no ones suggesting what kind of ghost ships. diving spots no ones suggesting the lore and such

speaking of lore this may break or make major changes to the lore as some overlap may happen

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I do agree with your activities statement But I have made a diving suggestion and he didn’t say there couldn’t be boss suggestions

These Quests however could be a side quest late game as to not interfere with the lore at all.

i think a good tl;dr is this

your community shouldn’t design every single aspect of your game. even if its side stuff, it shouldn’t be like this. id still just prefer if bosses were kept as a surprise and made to fit in with the world by a developer making it, rather than someone wanting this in because of its theme and it looks cool

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Thanks for saying its cool tho.
But he is asking fro suggestions from his community thats the entire purpose of this board so he can learn what we want and what he wants slap em together and create an awesome game. I mean by all means surprise us but i would be even more surprised if he actually added one of these.

You forget that vetex has the final say in how it is implemented so the moves drops and even abilities are subject to change. Its a suggestion nothing more nothing less

The purpose of my boss suggestions is to invoke inquiry and give birth to new ideas for lost magics, skills, and spells for others so I can see their cool ideas.
i could care less if they are added tbh its hella fun to make them to begin with

suggestions for activities, not really enemy designs and such. im much more ok with activities that we do constantly like events compared to bosses we have to learn and fight against. of course we’d be surprised if he actually took these suggestions and used them

then suggest something like bosses dropping lost spells or suggesting the spells themselves

Got any ideas for some events that we could do so I can make a suggestion on them?

I’m liking these boss ideas of yours, but I’m unsure of how these can be implemented into AO.

In here as well as others I did suggest lost spells look closer

Personally I would gladly design and code for them if allowed to

i mean purely by itself. its better to elaborate on specific points then bundling it all up with another

Personally Id prefer this due to at minimum 5 suggestions being in this singular one(including the boss itself)

Id rather not blow up the entire suggestion board with my mcshizzle tbh

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