Late Night Date at Trigno’s Pizzeria

Rumor claims that till this day, Aaron is still waiting for his date at Trigno’s Pizzeria, and the pizza is getting cold


I flipped the picture since the text seems to be backwards. Oh great, now the signature is backwards.

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I think it’s intentional, since the background is glass(?). It’s probably just printed on the outside

Oh now I see it, I’m so dumb

The text is a sign outside, the sign is hanged onto a glass window, when you look at it from in the inside the text is inverted smh


the pizza there’s always great but idk why they don’t have any water


The pizza is so spicy, the lack of water on the menu is immeasurably disappointing. Great pizzeria overall, though.

they got some nice hot steam though

free sauna

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No gold toppings 0/10

the gold melted into the sauce :frcryin:

Ew but I wanted mine c h u n k y nobody likes melted gold blegh

You take that back

Five Nights at Trigno’s

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The fact that Trigno’s Pizzeria is still a thing.


Weren’t you the person I talked to about Plant Magic being a shitty idea?

rip the homie Aaron, he got done dirty. :pensive:

Uhh… maybe? I don’t recall.

rude of him to order without them???

probably why she didnt come