Learning how to Model stuff (and other stuff)

Inspired by JTN and Debyl, i’ve decided to start (trying) to learn how to model…
(Gonna post some other time)


found out how to fit accessories on a rig just trying to learn to retexture which im confused about atm

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Found the uv map i think i understand how I can retexture now that I see it

Sweet i got it in paint.net now i gotta figure out what to do

Adjustments tab with no addons (yet?)

Just done my first ever retexture :partying_face:
was easier than i thought but i guess i still need to get used to the process of getting textures, using decals, using paint.net etc etc


Im gonna do some more retexturing and particles probably tommorow bc today imma be very busy but for now i guess i’ll try and see how I can edit and use Name tags

Ayee good luck :hugs:

Thanks bro

NEW SUNKEN SET LEAK??? (complete sentence)

decent start :+1:

HUGE thanks to every single one of you for the support :pray:

Anyone know where i can get the ao font from?

The AO font is Balthazar, should be in studio already

Oh ok thanks

Working on my oc tommorow

Just put random colors that fit together lol

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Went outside with my friends for like 2 hours now I can start beginning work again

And also, my OC is the User of the Inferno Curse so i made the armor blue and then black to also represent the kingdom he founded

How do i put the chestplate on him???